Article last updated on the 4th of May, 2023.
1. Introduction
Pinning My Tools groups and individual buttons is a way to organize elements in the My Tools panel, as well as making them more easily accessible.
Pinning My Tools elements makes the element always appear in the toolbar. If the element is e.g., a My Tools group, it would normally only be accessible from the "All actions" menu. Pinning it would make that specific group appear in the toolbar. If the element is a My Tools button, that specific button will be accessible from the toolbar, regardless of which My Tools group it belongs to.
An example is given in the following image:
In the image above, the My Tools bar displays two buttons - the "Update budget"- and "Relation" buttons - as well as a group called "Edit/Update" and finally, the standard "All actions" menu.
The "Update budget" button is nested inside the "Edit/Update" group, and the "Relation" button is nested inside the "New" group. However, since they are pinned to the toolbar, they are also displayed directly in the panel itself.
Additionally, the "Edit/Update" group would normally be accessible from the "All actions" menu, but since it is pinned to the toolbar, it is also displayed in the toolbar itself.
Buttons in the first My Tools group on each module are always displayed in the toolbar, unless the group is pinned.
In this article, we will go through how to pin My Tools elements to the toolbar.
2. Requirements
There are no requirements associated with the ability to pin My Tools elements to the toolbar.
3. Configuration
To demonstrate how to pin My Tools elements to the toolbar, we will recreate the behaviour from the image in the introduction.
This means that we begin with a My Tools setup for our Projects business module consisting of the following elements:

This is currently displayed on a Project site as follows:
Note that all the buttons from the "Edit/Update" group are currently displayed in the toolbar. This is because the Edit/Update group is the first group on the Projects module, and it is currently not pinned:
To recreate the look from the image in the introduction section, we need to pin the following elements:
- The Edit/Update group
- The "Update budget" button from the Edit/Update group
- The "Relation" button from the "New" group.
We can do this by selecting each element and enabling the "Pin to toolbar" checker:
Once the Pin to toolbar setting has been enabled for each of the desired elements, we can save the My Tools settings.
Don't forget to clear the WorkPoint 365 browser cache in order to view the changes.
4. End User Guide
Since we configured the My Tools menu for Project sites, let's see the effects of our configuration on a project site.
In the following image, we are located on the site of Project Black:
- The "Update budget" and "Relation" buttons were pinned to the My Tools bar, so they are displayed in the toolbar even though the are coming from different groups.
- Normally, groups would be displayed in the "All actions" menu, but since the "Edit/Update" group was also pinned, it is displayed in the toolbar.
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