Article last updated on the 7th of September, 2023.
Note that the Content type hub functionality described in this article is only relevant for business modules using the One Entity per Site Collection business module architecture.
1. Introduction
The Content Type Hub is a mechanism to synchronize site content types with site fields to SharePoint Site Collections. Due to the significant resource requirements of this process in the WorkPoint Master Site Synchronization/Site Creation, it has been integrated into the Master site synchronization and site creation of one-site collection per entity sites.
To get started, the functionality must be enabled. Additionally, a new synchronization job has been implemented which synchronizes all site content types that are used on the master site to the content type hub.
The content type hub is itself site collection and can be found at /sites/contentTypeHub.
The synchronization job can be started from the Master Settings Admin page, and it is only necessary to run it once - however, it is possible to start it again later.
The purpose of the job is to get you started if you already have a master site. If you are starting from scratch, you should create your content types on the content type hub and use them the master site.
Previously when creating a new entity site on a module, the content types would be synchronized from the master site to the new entity site. Using the Content type hub can improve performance when creating new entity sites, as the action to get the necessary content types from the Content type hub is less resource intensive.
2. Requirements
There are no requirements associated with the use of the Content type hub functionality.
3. Getting started
Getting started with using the Content type hub is different dependent on whether you are creating a WorkPoint solution from scratch, or if you already have a functioning WorkPoint solution up and running.
What is common between the two is that in order to get started, you first need to enable the use of the Content type hub. This is done from the Site Collection Synchronization page in the WorkPoint Administration:
- To enable the use of the Content type hub, click the "Enable" button in the Content Type Hub section of the Site Collection Synchronization page in the WorkPoint Administration. Note that once enabled, the Content type hub functionality cannot be disabled again.
Once the Content type hub functionality has been enabled you should see the following screen. Note that the system also enables you to execute a set of related jobs, one of which is the job encircled in red:
The "Connect all Content Types that exist on the Content Type Hub and WorkPoint Root Site" job looks at the Content type hub and the WorkPoint root site. If the job finds one or more matches between a content type on the Content type hub and the root site (based on Content type Id), it will connect them. Under normal circumstances, a Site Collection Synchronization job synchronizes from the root site to another site collection, but in cases where a given content type to be synchronized is located on the Content type hub, it should take it from there and not from the root site.
This job should be run immediately after enabling the Content type hub, however it can be run again at a later time.
3.1. Getting started from scratch
When creating a brand new WorkPoint solution from scratch, after having enabled the Content type hub, you should build your content types in the Content type hub. From there, you can take them in use on the Master Sites on the business modules you are implementing, on the root site of the solution, or wherever you may need them.
This is because if you have the content types on your master site, WorkPoint will ensure that they are also taken from the Content type hub on the subsequent entity sites.
If at some point you need to make edits to content types you create and put on e.g., master sites, please refer to section 3.3. in this article for instructions.
3.2. Getting started from existing WorkPoint solution
If you are working with an existing functioning WorkPoint solution, you already have existing content types on your root site and on your master sites.
To start using the Content type hub functionality, you can go to your Master Site settings for each business module and start a job which synchronizes all site content types in use on the master site to the Content type hub:
- In the WorkPoint Administration, click the header of your business module and select "Master Sites".
On the Master Sites settings page, there are two available jobs related to use of the Content type hub:
- The "Connect Master Content Types to Hub" job works much like the "Connect all Content Types that exist on the Content Type Hub and WorkPoint Root Site", but between the Master site collection and the Content type hub. The job checks the Master site collection and sees if any its content types match a content type on the Content type hub. For each match, a connection between the are established. This job does not create or remove content types anywhere, and is considered relatively safe to run.
- The "Sync Master Content Types to Hub" job will take all the content types in use on the Master site of the business module, synchronize them to the Content type hub, and publish them from the Content type hub. It will also force the master site to pull the content types in use from the Content type hub afterwards. This means that from then on, the content types in use should be managed from the Content type hub and not on the Master site itself.
The "Synchronize to Content Type Hub" job will create the in-use content types from the master site collection on the Content type hub. This may cause the creation of a lot of content types in the Content type hub, which may create problems for your overall tenant operation. Before running this job, please consult your own IT department about the impact this might have for you.
Content types that are not in use on any lists on the module will be ignored by the synchronization job.
After synchronizing the content types from the master site to the Content type hub, you should delete the current Master Site Collection template, which can also be done from the Master Site settings page:
- To delete the current Master Site Collection Template, click the "Delete template" button in the Master Sites settings page.
Once the Master Site Collection Template has been deleted, run a master site synchronization with the "Replicate Content Types"- and "Replicate Site Columns" settings enabled:
- On the Master Site Synchronization page for the business module, enable "Replicate Content Types" (Replicate Site Columns will automatically be enabled as well).
- Set a scope for the synchronization, most likely "All Entities", and a schedule.
- To start the master site synchronization, click the "Synchronize" button.
3.3. Updating an existing content type
After running the job to synchronize content types from the a master site to the Content type hub, you will not be able to edit the content types being pulled from the Content type hub directly on the Master site. You should instead edit the content type in the Content type hub.
To do this, go to your content type hub:
- On the Content type hub site, click the Settings button and select "Site information".
- In the side panel, click "View all site settings".
- Under "web Designer Galleries", click "Site content types".
- In the Content type gallery, click the name of the content type you want to edit.
This opens the page for the selected content type:
Here you can make edits to the content type and/or add site columns to it. Once you have made the necessary edits, you need to publish the content type:
- In the top of the page, click "Publish".
- Make sure either "Publish" or "Republish" is selected depending on your scenario.
- Click the "Save" button to publish/republish the content type.
Next, you need to update the content type on the master site:
- On the master site of your business module, click the "Settings" button and select "Site information".
- In the side panel, click "View all site settings".
- Under "Web Designer Galleries", click "Site content types".
- In the list of content types, find and open the custom type you edited in the Content type hub.
- In the top panel, click "Update". This pulls the edits made in the Content type hub into the content type on the master site.
After that, we need to perform a master site synchronization to replicate the content type edits to the other sites on the business module:
- In Master Site Synchronization page for the business module, enable "Replicate Content Types" (Replicate Site Columns will automatically be enabled as well).
- Set a scope for the synchronization, most likely "All Entities", and a schedule.
- To start the master site synchronization, click the "Synchronize" button.
3.4. Synchronizing content types
The site collection synchronization feature is used to synchronize, among other aspects, columns and content types from the root site to other site collections in WorkPoint.
The site collection synchronization job can synchronize Term groups, Language Resources, Site Columns, and Content Types from the WorkPoint root site to:
- Master site collections
- Specific site collections (bucket- or master site collections)
- All bucket site collections within a business module
If the WorkPoint Root site collection is in sync with the Content type hub (or if the content type hub is not used), WorkPoint can know which content types to synchronize to the selected site collections.
Master site collections (for bucket sites, the master site collection is the site collection where the master site is found)
- If the Content type hub is enabled, the job only synchronizes content types on the root site collection not connected to the content type hub to master site collections. The job also analyzes the master site and pulls all content types in use there, that exist on the content type hub, to make sure they are connected.
- If the Content type hub is not enabled, all content types will be synchronized from the WorkPoint root site.
For bucket site collections other than the master site collection:
- The job synchronizes bucket site collections from the master site collections as it is done for One site collection per entity sites in the master site synchronization. It also analyzes the Master site and only synchronizes content types and site columns in use. It then pulls content types that a connected to the content type hub on the master site from the hub and synchronizes all other content types and fields from the master site.
4. Notes
Note that after running the job to synchronize content types from the a master site to the Content type hub, you will not be able to edit the content types being pulled from the Content type hub directly on the Master site. You should instead edit the content type in the Content type hub, and then update the content type on the master site.
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