Release date: 11th of May 2023 at approx. 19:00 CET.
Improvements and bug fixes
- It is now possible to select built in managed properties for Hyperlink fields in column groups for search settings.
- It is now possible to select to only clean up notifications which are in the "Completed" state using the Notifications Cleanup job.
- It is now possible to make sections on WorkPoint sites collapsible.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed various bugs and issues.
- Fixed various bugs and issues related to WorkPoint Automate process steps and triggers.
- Fixed various bugs and issues related to various integrations with other systems.
- Fixed various bugs and issues related to Notification settings.
- Fixed various bugs and issues related to Export/Import.
- Fixed various issues which hampered performance of WorkPoint 365.
- Fixed an issue where updated endpoints took a long time before being visible.
- Fixed an issue where Person/Group columns in entity presentations could cause the top panel to malfunction.
- Fixed an issue where item creation date field value was different from when creating with SharePoint directly.
- Fixed an issue where the "Go to stage Planning" button was not active even with Elevated permission.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to load in data in Entity Presentation Layouts.
- Fixed an issue where it was necessary to use adaptive expressions to do file name validation for special characters.
- Fixed an issue where the Notification Cleanup job used the notification retention period in days setting, but checked against the created date and not the sent date of the notification.
- The WorkPoint provided "Management System Solution" and "Project Management Solution" solution templates have been removed from the WorkPoint installer due to issues within the templates.
- Fixed an issue where Buffer Site creation would fail if the entity title contained a space.
- Fixed an issue where triggers had disappeared from the "Add a trigger" menu in system processes.
- Fixed an issue where documents copied using the Copy or move documents WorkPoint Automate step would not be given a new number by the numerator service if enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the Move entity WorkPoint Automate step did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the using the "Companies" business module template would produce an error, and sites created on the module did not create sites automatically.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to continue from a Select library and folder step.
- Fixed an issue with creation of buffer sites on Multiple entities per site collection business modules.
- Fixed an issue where WorkPoint Automate process permissions using Azure Active Directory groups did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where My Tools target audiencing using SharePoint groups on entity sites did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Select library and list step would fail if user did not have access to all lists/libraries.
- Fixed an issue where the Copy entity output the ID of the original entity - not the ID of the new entity.
- Fixed an issue where list content types were not synchronized properly when added from content type hub.
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