This article describes various issues that has been reported and how they can be fixed.
Please use this article before contacting us. If you still need to contact us please provide the following information
- Name of the PC
- Username and password
- Windows version
- Office version
- Name of any other 3rd party add-ins in Office
- Antivirus
- Language of Windows/Office/WorkPoint
- Which WorkPoint products are you running? (WorkPoint Server/WorkPoint 365/WorkPoint Express/Email Manager)
- Description of problem (what is happening)
- Impact of problem (e.g. it causes Office crash)
- Steps to reproduce (what did you click or type to make the problem appear - if possible)
- Is the problem only occuring to a single user or to many users
- Can the problem be reproduced if the user uses another PC
- Is the problem persistent or does it only happens sometimes?
Problem #1: When starting Office applications WorkPoint Express is not loaded
WorkPoint Express is an add-in running in the office applications. In some cases this is disabled
Follow these steps
- In Outlook, go to File|Settings|Add-ins|Disabled Items.
- If WorkPoint Express is present in this list, please enable the add-in.
- Click on Go under Com add-ins an verify that WPE is checked.
- Look at for a possible solution
If active directory access control in WPE is configured, verify that the user is member of the group.
Problem #2: Unable to Connect to WorkPoint
Please verify that you can access WorkPoint using the browser (e.g.
Problem #3: No access to WorkPoint Express datastore
The settings in the registration database on the client machines are corrupt or invalid.
Follow these steps
- Go to local registry database
- Find following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VestConsult\WorkPointExpress\
- Verify that SolutionId is matching your solution (find it in WP365 administration). The solutionid should not contain any white spaces
- Verify that DataStoreInfo_WebServiceUrl is set to
- Verify that DataStoreInfo_Type is set to WebService
Problem #4: Unable to create document or templates
The user is not logged on to WorkPoint from Office
Ensure that you are logged in with the correct user (both in browser and in office applications (e.g. Word). If not
- Log out of office applications
- Close all office appliations currently running
- Find credential manager in Windows
- Find windows credentials
- Delele all credentials starting with "Microsoft Office"
Log on to Office 365 from Office applications
Problem #5: Problems regarding 32/64 bit installations
If Office is 32 bit, WorkPoint Express MUST be 32 bit. If Office is 64 bit, WorkPoint Express MUST be 64 bit. Mixing these things will not work. If Office 64 bit previously has been installed this might causes issues if Office 32 bit is installed afterwards.
Follow these steps
- Close all office applications
- Uninstall WPE
- Run registry cleanup (e.g. ccleaner)
- Reboot
- Install matching WPE version
In some cases it is necessary to reinstall WorkPoint Express and repair the Office installation.
Follow these steps
- Uninstall WPE
- Verify that c:\program files (x86)\workpoint is deleted
- Repair office installation
- Install WPE
Problem #7: General issues with Outlook
General issues with Outlook can cause problems with WorkPoint Express in some situations. You can try the following things to troubleshoot.
- Disable outlook cache mode
- Delete user mail profile
Problem #8 Installation/Update issues
You can troubleshoot faulty installations/upgrade issues with this Microsoft tool.
Problem #9: Access Denied in AppData folder
If you're getting access denied in the users AppData folder, please make sure that Anti Virus/Malware tools are not blocking the following folders.
- %APPDATA%\WorkPointExpress
- %APPDATA%\DotNetbrowser
Problem #10: Show side panel doesn't work
If you get an error when clicking "Show side panel" in Outlook please try the following.
- Close Outlook
- Open Word/Excel and click Show side panel
- Close Word/Excel and restart computer
- Open Outlook and click Show side panel
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