Article last updated on the 7th of May, 2024.
This article will guide you through the setup of EMM 365
The Email Manager 365 architecture

EMM 365 is built on the principles of EMM on-premise and replicates much of the same functions. The core components share the same code and the database structure is the same. EMM 365 contains the following components.
- Office 365 Exchange Online: The emails from the customers Exchange Online are archived in EMM 365 using the Exchange Online Journaling function.
- EMM 365 Smart Host: The EMM 365 Smart Host receives the journal envelopes from the Exchange Online Journaling service. The Smart Host is a SMTP receiver and is multi-tenant. The emals are temporary stored until the EMM 365 Sniffer processes them.
- EMM 365 Sniffer: The EMM 365 Sniffer processes the emails, extracts meta-data and stores it in the EMM 365 database. The Emails are stored in Azure Blob Storage.
- EMM 365 SQL Database: The EMM 365 SQL database is an Azure SQL Database. Can only be hosted in a tenant owned by the customer. Please see this section for more information.
- EMM 365 Blob Storage: Emails are stored in the Azure Blob Storage. Can only be hosted in a tenant owned by the customer. Furthermore, a storage account is required to contain the actual mail blob. The capacity is automatically expanded when needed. WorkPoint recommends the following standard (GPv2) storage:
- WorkPoint Express: Use WorkPoint Express to journal emails, access emails stored in journals and search for them based on their meta-data. Everything which is possible with WorkPoint Express against EMM on-premise is possible with EMM 365
- EMM 365 Sync: EMM 365 Sync is used to synchronize entities, users and security between WorkPoint 365 and EMM 365.
- EMM 365 Web API: The EMM 365 Web API is used by WorkPoint Express and mobile clients to communicate with EMM 365.
- Mobile Clients: The currently only Mobile Client supporting EMM 365 is the Windows Phone, but IOS and Android will also be supporting this feature in the near future.
Capacity recommendations for SQL database
As previously mentioned, the SQL database used for Email Manager 365 is a service which the customer is required to set up on their end. The following table contains WorkPoint's capacity recommendations for the SQL database.
Note that the Azure SQL database must be of type Premium for production environments.
Model | DTUs | Included storage | Maximum storage | Estimated capacity |
P1 | 125 | 500 GB | 1 TB |
Up to 500 users and 5.000.000 archived e-mails |
P2 | 250 | 500 GB | 1 TB |
Up to 1000 users and 10.000.000 archived e-mails |
P4 | 500 | 500 GB | 1 TB | Up to 2000 users and 20.000.000 archived e-mails |
See the following article for more information:
Giving consent for the EMM web api and services

- Visit and click on the "Sign-Up !" button.
- Login with your tenant administrator account.
Accepting the consent

Click on "Accept" to give consent to the EMM365 Web API and services.
From WorkPoint version 4.13 and 3.26, Email Manager requires an updated API request approval:
Please go to the API Access page and approve the "WorkPoint Email Manager" request. The reason for the new request is that the Email Manager resources have been moved to a new location.
Configuring the Office 365 Send Connector
- Open the Exchange Admin Center located at:
- Log in with an tenant administrator account.
- In the Exchange Admin Center click on "mail flow".
- Choose the "connectors" pane.
- Click on the "+" icon to add a Send Connector.
Selecting the mail flow scenario

- In the "From" field select "Office 365", then select "Partner organization" in the "To" field and click on "Next" to continue.
Naming the new connector

- Enter a name for the new connector.
- OPTIONAL Here you can enter a description of the new connector.
- Leave the default "Turn it on" checkbox checked.
- Click on "Next" to continue.
Adding the domain
- Leave the default "Only when email messages are sent to these domains" option selected.
- Click on the "+" icon to add a domain.
- Enter "journal.YOURDOMAINHERE.COM" (If your domain name is enter then click on OK.
- Click on "Next" to continue.
Routing the email messages through the EMM Smart Host
- Select the "Route email through these smart hosts" option.
- Click on the "+" icon to add a smart host.
- Enter "" into the field and click on the "Save" button.
- Click on "Next" to continue.
Choosing the connection method to the EMM Smart Host
- Make sure the "Always use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure the connection (recommended)" setting is checked.
- Click on "Next" to continue.
Checking the configuration

- Validate the shown settings and click on "Next" to continue
Validating the configuration
- Click on the "+" icon to add an validation email address.
- Enter an email address which is outside of your domain and click on "OK" Note that this is only necessary to finish the "Configuring the Office 365 Send Connector" process and not for any validation purpose.
- Click on "Validate".
Saving the configuration

- Ignore this warnings and click on the "Save" button.
Creating the Office 365 journal rule
- In the "Exchange admin center" select "compliance management".
- Choose the "journal rules" pane.
- Click on "Select address"
Setting up the rollback address for undeliverable journal reports

- Click on "Browse" to search for email addresses.
- Choose the email address of your IT-Administrator or the one managing the Office 365 tenant
- Then click on "Save"
Creating the Office 365 journal rule
- Select the "compliance management" pane again.
- Then choose the "journal rules" pane.
- Click on the "+" icon to add a new journal rule.
Configuring the new journal rule

- Enter the journaling email address. The syntax is "emmjournal@journal.YOURDOMAINHERE.COM" (If your domain name is enter Note that this email can not exist on the tenant before.
- Enter a name for the new journal rule.
- Choose "[Apply to all messages]".
- Choose "All messages" and click on "Save".
Giving consent for the EMM web api and services

- Visit and click on the "Sign-Up !" button.
- Login with your tenant administrator account.
Accepting the consent

Click on "Accept" to give consent to the EMM365 Web API and services.
Collecting the required information for WorkPoint

- Start PowerShell and enter the following command: "(Invoke-WebRequest|ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]" like shown above.
- Now copy the returned value.
Sending the collected information to WorkPoint
Create a support ticket with the following information:
- Tenant ID (See Step 2. in the "Collecting the required information for WorkPoint" step.
- WorkPoint 365 Host Url (The Url to the Sitecollection on which you installed WorkPoint 365. If you are running a multi sitecollection environment enter the WorkPoint 365 root site collection URL.
- Exchange user (This can just be a random user on your tenant with an mailbox. This user will just be used to dissolve distribution groups to each recipient of an email. You can either use an existing user or you create a new user with an assigned mailbox. Please note that you shouldn't disable or delete the chosen user.
- Service Account for WorkPoint 365 (If there is no Service Account configured, please create one. Note that this user should be a site collection administrator of the WorkPoint365 site collection).
- Service Account Password (The password to the Service account defined in step 5).
- Journaling Email Address (The Journal email address defined in step 1 of the "Configuring the new journal rule" step.
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