WorkPoint is proud to release a new version. This release will go live 24 August 2017
Dutch and Norwegian
Until today, WorkPoint products has been available in two languages, English and Danish. Now WorkPoint365 and WorkPoint Express can work in any language. As of this release, Norwegian and Dutch is added to the list of available languages. More language packs will follow in the future.
New architecture of WorkPoint365!
One of several major initiatives in WorkPoint, is improving the way WorkPoint365 works with Office365. The aim is to provide the closest possible integration with the Office365 product suite. Over the coming months, the architecture of WorkPoint365 will therefore change. With this release, we have introduced that a WorkPoint365 solution can be configured to create a full site collection when a module site is created. As opposed to today, where only a single site is created. This, among other things improves security between module sites. To ensure speedy creation of site / site collection, we have enhanced the buffer site feature so it now also features buffer site collections. To manage these new features, we have changed the module settings page in the administration.
For information on setting this up, please clickhere
Module Information Fields - improved search
To improve search and meta data inheritance, we have added two fields to all business modules. These fields are:
- Business module name
- Current stage name
These fields are automatically created when the module is created. They can be used as any other fields on the module, e.g. for search and hence make the search results better, or meta data on documents, etc.
Stage gate constraints: query values from list items
So far it has not been possible to base stage constraints on values on the module item itself. This is now changed with an expansion making it possible to use values in the module item fields in the stage constraints. This will allow for more advanced business process management using stages.
Clickherefor more information on configuring it.
New scheduled jobs for data aggregation
It is now possible to schedule jobs for aggregating data. This is helpful for example when aggregating or filtering date fields, e.g. “count tasks with due date > today”. More informationhere.
Security trimming in tab control, footer menu and navigation menu
Hitherto security rules have not been affecting these items. While users might not have had access to module content, they have been able to know the existence of e.g. a HR module. This has now changed, so security rules will entirely remove these menu items subject to user rights. Further informationhere.
Integration to WorkPoint Help Center
As part of our initiative to improve user experience, WorkPoint now features a direct link to our online support center. Click the upper left "hamburger menu" to access it.
Site Maintenance
The administration interface now features a page where module sites can be deleted. Informationhere.
WorkPoint 365 – Product Improvements Listed below is the general improvements of the product in this release.
- ItemLocation field is now based on default values for improved performance
- Buffer sites performance optimised
- Performance improved in stage change function – especially better performance when using lookup fields (in large lists)
- Optimized Site Collection Security Replication job
- Export/Import: Check for language to prevent importing to a site collection in a different language (from the export)
- Export/Import: Content type is now set on master site entity when importing
- Content Type can now be chosen for merge in document templates
- End stages now become red when the stage is active
- When Site Collection Provisioning fails after the site collection is created it is now possible to reuse the created site collection.
- Set Missing Numbers function can set numbers for entities. A hidden function for the WorkPoint Numerator feature.
- Clear WorkPoint365 web client cache – a link will make it possible to clear WorkPoint’s client site cache
- Now possible to only create sites for at business module when needed
- List Constraints using List URL and not List title
- WorkPoint365 web API for integration is now using daemon authentication which removes the need for a new sign in every three month
WorkPoint 365 - bugfixes Listed below are the bugfixes in this release
- Buffer Site Creation - The property or field has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested.
- Site Creation - The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested.
- Error update GetDefaultSearchSettings (GetCustomManagedProperties)
- Solution export includes view fields not found on lists
- Error in master site sync when changing of indexed property on lookup fields with cascade RelationshipDeleteBehavior
- Error on entity site lists with taxonomy fields not created as site columns
- Security replication - order of rules
- Failed buffer sites not removed from the list
- Error in security replication when re-adding rights on entity site
- Default wikisider shown under tabview settings
- Error in site collection sync when updating a site column
- Master page not published on sub site collections
- Associated default groups must not be deleted
- wpSite field fails in tab web part
- Links in tab web part opens in tab web part
- Error in wizard multiline text field
- Entity deleted from MyTools – should be recycled
- Typo in error message when creating business module
- Export/Import: ContentType order and visibility
- TabView - Task list security rights error
- New setting in master site sync – enable deletion of existing views on subsites not found on the master site
- Tab web part now supports filtering on multi value fields
- Support for any locale in WorkPoint 365 wizards
- Support for security rules that does not inherit entity security to an entity site
- When copying documents from other sites or renaming existing site, meta data is not updated
- Bug in user fields in multi site collection setup
- Express Panel in browser favourites does not react on click
- Link for tab web part not active in editing mode
- Buffer site error when master site not found
- Search text in Express panel not passed to advanced search
- Error in taxonomy fields with site collection term set when SiteCollectionSync
- No column choice in entity detail web part
- Document overwritten when copied between two lists
- Unable to choose other document lists in "Create Entity from email" wizard
- Error in displaying image in tab web part
- Error in enterprise keywords
- Fixed tooltip in search results
- Site maintenance error when deleting entities
- Error when creating relations in Internet Explorer
- Various bugs in partner portal
- Change stage error if site is under creation
- Migration error in import/export tool
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