Article published on the 31st of May, 2023.
1. Concept
A master site refers to a specific site on business modules where sites are enabled and they can be understood as a template site for other sites created on a business module.
When a business module with sites enabled is created, WorkPoint automatically creates a master site for the module as part of the business module provisioning. By default, the master site for a business module is titled "MASTER" and will have an ID of 1 since it is the first entity ever created on the module.
The title of the master site can be edited after creation, and technically, any site on the module can be set to be the master site for that module.
As mentioned, the master site on a business module is used as a template for subsequent entity sites, and therefore defines everything from the layout of site pages including webparts through quick navigation menus, to libraries and lists.
The layout (and content) on any entity site created on the business module will be a replica of the master site, containing all the same site pages, webparts, libraries, lists, and contents.
The following image shows an example of a master site on a Projects business module:
The following image shows a project site which is based on the master site shown above:
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