Article published on the 1st of June, 2023.
1. Concept
Sites in WorkPoint generally refers to the workspace of any entity on a business module which has sites enabled.
A site can contain multiple site pages, lists, libraries and more, and can generally be thought of as the area in WorkPoint where you store all data relevant to an entity. Which elements they contain is almost completely customizable.
An example could be a business module for Project entities. Each entity on the business module has meta data related to the project, for example a title, a project ID, and a project manager. It may also be connected to it's own specific site. This site can contain a range of site pages to display dashboards with webparts, libraries to store documents and e-mails related to the project, and lists to keep track of tasks and risks.
The following image shows an example of a site related to a project titled "295FS Wing Design":
In the example above, the site page displays a couple of webparts, specifically a list view webpart which displays the contents of the document library on the site, a task overview webpart displaying the tasks on the project, and a notification webpart which displays the users notifications.
In the navigation menu to the left of the page we have access to the different contents of the site. There are navigation elements to e.g. the home page of the project, the documents- and e-mails libraries, the different lists on the site, and other site pages which displays information about transmittals and relations.
As previously mentioned, all of these elements can be customized, and elements such
2. Master sites
A master site refers to a specific site on business modules where sites are enabled and they can be understood as a template site for other sites created on a business module.
You can read more about master sites in this article.
3. Root site
The very front page of any WorkPoint solution is located on what is typically referred to as the "root site" of the solution. This site typically has one or more site pages which contains dashboards with webparts displaying various overviews for data stored in the solution. This could for example be overviews of active clients or suppliers, the current user's open tasks, or a PowerBI report.
The following image shows an example of a WorkPoint solution root site:
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