Article published on the 8th of June, 2023.
1. Concept
2.1. Advanced Search
2.2. Details Card
2.3. Email Manager
2.4. Embed
2.5. Entity Details
2.6. Journal
2.7. List View
2.8. Notifications
2.9. People
2.10. Relations
2.11. Risk Matrix
2.12. Search
2.13. Task Overview
1. Concept
On site pages both on the root site and entity sites of WorkPoint solutions it is possible to add a wide range of webparts.
Webparts are components on a site page which displays some information from a given location graphically. An example could be a task overview webpart displaying tasks on a project site, or a list view webpart displaying a list of active customers on the root site.
WorkPoint provides a range of webparts which you can use in addition to the standard SharePoint webparts.
2. WorkPoint webparts
WorkPoint provides the following webparts for you to use wherever you need them. The following sections provide a short description as well as an image showing an example of the webpart in use.
- List View: Read more.
- Notifications: a webpart which allows users to browse and interact with their current notifications directly on a page.
- People: a webpart used for displaying the contents of people fields on entity site pages, e.g., the project manger- and assistant fields of projects. Read more.
- Relations: a webpart used for displaying relations created between entities.
- Risk Matrix: a webpart which displays the contents of a list as a graphical x-by-x matrix. Originally designed for displaying the contents of risk lists. Read more.
- Search: a webpart which makes it possible to search for items across the entire solution, or it can be limited to specific areas of the solution. Read more.
- Task Overview: a webpart which can be used to display the contents of task lists with various customizable filter elements. Read more.
2.1. Advanced Search
The Advanced Search webpart displays WorkPoint Search Settings which users can use to perform a wide range of search activities, including search through drilling down through terms.
An example is displayed in the following image:
You can read more about the Advanced Search webpart in this article.
2.2. Details Card
The Details Card webpart is capable of displaying the details panel normally found by clicking an entity in the top panel. Can display entity details tabs or a stage band or both.
An example of the Details Card webpart is shown in the following image:
You can read more about the Details Card webpart in this article.
2.3. Email Manager
The Email Manager webpart can be used to browse e-mails journalized in Email Manager for an entity. This webpart is usable only on entity site pages.
An example of the Email Manager webpart in use is shown in the following image:
2.4. Embed
The Embed webpart can be used to display web elements, such as Power Apps directly on sites. If used on an entity site, data from the entity can be passed into the web element.
The following image shows a PowerApp displaying some company information as well as a map of the company's location embedded on the company site using the Embed webpart:
You can read more about the Embed webpart in this article.
2.5. Entity Details
The Entity Details webpart allows you to display metadata fields from an entity in a webpart on a page. You can select which fields of the entity to display, and order them in a manner which suits your design goals.
An example of the webpart in use is shown in the following image:
Note that this webpart has been deprecated in favor of the Details Card webpart, which should be used instead.
You can read more about the Entity Details webpart in this article.
2.6. Journal
The Journal webpart is a webpart used for displaying recent activity, either across an entire WorkPoint solution or on a specific entity site.
It offers configuration options, such as a web part title, scope, sources, and how many items to show.
An example of the Journal webpart in use is shown in the following image:
You can read more about the Journal webpart in this article.
2.7. List View
The List View webpart is a webpart used for displaying list information on a WorkPoint dashboard. List View webparts can be used to display a range of list and library contents, e.g. document library- or Task list contents.
An example of the List View webpart is shown in the following image:
in the image above, the List View webpart is used to display the contents of a Documents library.
You can read more about the List View webpart in this article.
2.8. Notifications
The Notifications webpart can be used to display the current user's WorkPoint notifications. Notifications can normally be found in the Express panel, but using the webpart, the same display of notifications can be displayed on any page on the WorkPoint solution.
The webpart offers all the same functionalities as the Notifications panel in the Express panel, including browsing and interacting with notifications, as well as configuring individual notification settings.
The following images shows the Notifications webpart on a Project site page:
2.9. People
When working with projects, cases, or other such business areas, easy access to an informative overview of people working in collaboration is important. Having easy access to people working on the same project frees up resources for work in other essential areas.
WorkPoint’s People webpart draws data directly from the current entity. Depending on how the webpart is configured, the webpart shows people working on the same project, case, or other such business case.
The following image shows an example of the People webpart in use on a Project site page:
You can read more about the People webpart in this article.
2.10. Relations
The Relations webpart is used to display relations between two entities in WorkPoint.
An example of the Relations webpart in use is show in the following image:
In this instance, we are located on the company "WORKPOINT A/S", and we can see that this company is related to two projects and one contact, as well as various meta data for each relation.
You can read more about relations, including how to configure the Relations webpart in this article.
2.11. Risk Matrix
The Risk Matrix webpart is used to give a visual representation of the risks registered on entities, e.g. projects, cases, or contracts.
An example of the Risk Matrix webpart in use is displayed in the following image:
You can read more about the Risk Matrix webpart in this article.
2.12. Search
The Search webpart makes it possible to search across the entire solution, or it can be limited to specific areas of the solution. This helps users quickly find whatever information they need from anywhere on the solution.
An example of the Search webpart in use is show in the following image:
In the example above, a Search webpart is used to display items from across an entire WorkPoint solution. It has been limited to only show items of the "Task" content type, to not show tasks from master sites, and only tasks which is assigned to the current user. From here, the user can search through the displayed tasks, and easily navigate to the location of the task.
The Search webpart is highly customizable in that it is possible to make it display any information that is searchable in SharePoint.
You can read more about the Search webpart in this article.
2.13. Task Overview
The Task Overview webpart can be used to display tasks from the WorkPoint system, and has options for displaying various graphical elements and filters.
An example of the Task Overview webpart in use is shown in the following image:
In the example above, the webpart is set up to display tasks on a project, and we have options for filtering tasks by status (the colored boxes). We also have options to only display overdue tasks, to change view, and more.
You can read more about the Task Overview webpart in this article.
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