Release date: 13th of June 2023 at approx. 19:00 CET.
Improvements and bug fixes
- On "Search form"-, "Search entity form"-, and "Search for item in list" WorkPoint Automate form steps, it is now possible to select all items in the business module/list. This requires that the form is set up to allow selection of multiple items. An example is shown in the following image:
- On the "Search for item in list" WorkPoint Automate form step, it is now possible to allow continuing from the form without selecting an item. This can be allowed by selecting "Yes" in the "Allow continuing without selection" option on the step in the Process Builder.
- On the "Copy or more documents" WorkPoint Automate step, it is now possible to define a target content type in the Process Builder.
- Due to the introduction of Premier Support for Partners, the ability to report bugs through the WorkPoint 365 Administration and the Home menu of WorkPoint solutions have been removed. This change requires an update to Modern UI.
- Some WorkPoint databases have been updated to make it easier for users to work with WorkPoint 365 version 3- and version 4 solutions within the same Microsoft tenant in tandem.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed various issues related to Related Content.
- Fixed issues related to various integrations.
- Fixed various issues related to Export/Import. These fixes require a new export/import.
- Fixed various Buffer Site related issues.
- Fixed an issue where WorkPoint Connector did not work when used with a WorkPoint solution on Version 4.X.
- Fixed an issue where after creating a new business module, Notes and Tasks lists were appearing twice, and the Events list was missing from the Quick Launch menu.
- Fixed an issue where expression value changes made by users were lost when going back to Entity/Item forms in WorkPoint Automate processes.
- Fixed an issue where Export/Import of My Tools target audience did not work with Microsoft 365 groups. This fix requires saving of My Tools settings and a new export and import.
- Fixed an issue where Active Users were not loading in the Partner Portal.
- Fixed an issue where copying all items from the results of the Advanced Search webpart to clipboard did not work if there were multiple pages of results.
- Fixed an issue where the "Item form" and "Entity form" WorkPoint Automate steps did not display columns using Currency formats correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Dynamic Site creation page did not show if any site creations had failed.
- Fixed an issue where the Process Instances list maintenance job failed if the list contained more than 150.000 items.
- Fixed an issue where editing the properties of entities from the "Edit properties" button in the Express panel did not redirect the user back to the previous location.
- Fixed an issue where Managed Metadata column options did not display as options below the column when focused in processes opened in WorkPoint Express.
- Fixed an issue where "Source Item URL", "Source Item Version", and "Source Item Last Modified" fields were not set when copying or moving documents using the "Copy or move documents" WorkPoint Automate step.
- Fixed an issue where processes executed from a link in WorkPoint Express did not load properly if opened in a browser which was not logged in with a user with the correct permissions.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes notifications were not created and the Notification Types term set was out of sync.
- Fixed an issue where Date and Time fields on Item form WorkPoint Automate steps which did not have a default value would render as "Invalid date" and crash the browser if focused.
- Fixed an issue where the WorkPoint API call to create a notification would return 201 (created) even if no notification was actually created.
- Fixed an issue where changing permissions set up using the Entity Role Lists functionalities triggered many unnecessary security replications to run even if activation conditions were not met.
- Fixed an issue where the Search Form WorkPoint Automate step template selection did not support selecting templates inside folders.
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