Article published on the 28th of June, 2023.
1. Introduction
In regards to WorkPoint Automate, we distinguish between two distinct categories of processes: System processes and User processes. System processes are initiated automatically in response to events occurring within WorkPoint. User processes are run manually by an individual user. User processes can be run from various locations, many of which will be explained in this article.
2. Executing user processes
As previously mentioned, user processes can be run from various locations. the following sections discuss the individual locations and methods.
2.1. Running a user processes from the My Tools panel
In the My Tools panel, WorkPoint administrators can configure buttons, which can be used to execute different actions in WorkPoint. One of the types of actions that can be executed using a My Tools button is running a WorkPoint Automate user process.
If a My Tools button is configured on root- or business module level, it will be displayed in the My Tools panel, as shown in the following image:
If instead a My Tools button is configured on entity list- or library level, it will be accessible when one or more items are selected in a list via the "Send to" menu in the list command bar, as shown in the following image:
My Tools buttons configured on root- and business module level to run user processes from the My Tools panel can be configured as follows:
- In the "Select instance" selector, either "root" or a specific business module from the solution must be selected.
- In this instance, we have selected a button titled "Create Company".
- A My Tools button must have a title. Note that you can use the "Localize" options to create translations for the title of the My Tools button.
- For a My Tools button to be able to run a user process, the "Type" must be set to "User Process".
- Next, the specific user process which should be run using the button in question must be specified in the "Process" field.
With a configuration like the one above, the "Create Company" process, when clicked by a user, will run the "Create company" WorkPoint Automate user process.
If instead a My Tools button is configured on the list- or library level, the administrator needs to also configure how many items from the list- or library the process being run is expecting as input:
Here the administrator has the following options for how to define how many items the process expects as input:
- None: The process does not expect an item as input.
- Exactly One: The process expects exactly one item as input - no more, no less.
- At Least One: The process expects at least one item as input, but maybe more.
- At Least Two: The process expects at least two items as input - not one or none, but two or more.
Note that the Item Selection Requirement is not necessary to set if the My Tools button is configured for root- or business module level.
Lastly, My Tools buttons can be enabled in WorkPoint Express. By doing so, WorkPoint Automate user processes can be run using these buttons in the WorkPoint Express interface.
The administrator has to enable My Tools in the "Prefered Dialogs" tab under "System" in the WorkPoint Express settings:
After My Tools has been enabled in WorkPoint Express, root- and business module level buttons can be accessed in the "Actions" menu:
Or by right-clicking an entity, e.g., a project in the Projects module:
My Tools button configured on list- or library level can be accessed by selecting one or more items in WorkPoint Express and right-clicking a selected document:
2.2. Executing a process from a link
It is possible to run WorkPoint processes in web browser windows using a link provided in e.g. an e-mail.
The link which executes the process can include parameters which can be used by the process, e.g. to define a business module or list item ID to use in the process.
To read more about how to set up execution of processes from links, please visit this article.
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