Release date: 18th of June 2023 at approx. 19:00 CET.
Improvements and bug fixes
- The process of moving from using WorkPoint 365 version 3 to version 4 will now be referred to as an "upgrade" instead of a "migration" to better reflect what is actually happening during the process. Due to the fact that no data is being moved at any point during the process, we felt like this process is much more akin to an upgrade, as new features are being made available, and some older ones are updated with new options and opportunities.
- Due to the introduction of Premier Support for Partners, the ability to report bugs through the WorkPoint 365 Administration and the Home menu of WorkPoint solutions have been removed. This change requires an update to Modern UI.
- The "Send to" command set is now provisioned using Tenant Wide Deployment. For new solutions (v.4 and up), and solutions being upgraded to v. 4.7, command sets are only being added to the Tenant Wide Deployment list. Existing command sets will still work.
- We are introducing improved scalability and performance for Buffer Sites in WorkPoint. The Buffer Site settings page now grants a better overview of your buffer sites, and now also offers the option to run buffer site creation jobs either synchronously or asynchronously. You can read more about buffer sites and the different options in this article.
- On the Copy Entity Form step in WorkPoint Automate, it is now possible to hide Relation and List contents options that are not being used or if users should not be able to select/deselect them.
- Action steps in WorkPoint Automate can now be set to run asynchronously, and users can proceed to the next step(s) in the process while the action step continue processing in the background. Subsequent steps can be set to be dependent on the completion of the background-processed action step, in which case, the current step will wait before the previous step is completed. Making a step dependent on a previous step's completion can be done using a "Parallel execution" rule in the "Rules" tab of a process step. You can read more about Parallel execution rules in this article.
- The "My process" panel can now be enabled in the Express panel in WorkPoint 365. This panel displays process instances which are running or have been run previously. Processes which were closed while still running will be displayed as either "Processing" or "Awaiting user input". Processes can be resumed from the panel by clicking them. Further, push notifications can now be enabled to inform users when a process completes, fails, or awaits their input. You can read more about the My Process panel and push notifications in this article.
- Fixed various UI- and My Tools related issues.
- Fixed various bugs related to document templates.
- Fixed various security related issues.
- Fixed various translation- and language issues.
- Fixed various optimization issues.
- Fixed various issues with Export/Import.
- Fixed an issue where document templates caused a circular save loop.
- Fixed an issue with handling of business modules which failed to provision correctly.
- Fixed an issue with data binding in the Process Builder when calling HTTP endpoint for Power Automate flow.
- Fixed an issue where an error message was displayed when there were missing permissions in the Process Builder.
- Fixed an issue with provisioning the Activity Log on Single Site collection business modules.
- Fixed an issue with the Process Instance maintenance job.
- Fixed an issue where the Process Builder showed deprecated/not available values from Term Store for tagging.
- Fixed an issue where notifications were not created because people user objects on CreateEntity step did not include UserPrincipalName. User objects now include the UserPrincipalName property.
- Fixed an error in the edit form for certain content types in Process Builder.
- Fixed an issue where Master Site synchronization did not correctly synchronize items from the identity list of using Security Rules For Entity Role Lists.
- Fixed an issue where the Process builder did not load form input fields.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where Search form grouped templates did not count correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the Update to V4 job where webparts were not updated for buffer sites.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where the Change stage form did not preselect the next stage in the stage model if only one transition was eligible.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where Change stage started through entity presentation did not show warning/errors.
- Fixed an issue in with the app for journalizing where searching for entities would also display security folders.
- Fixed an issue with saving managed metadata.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where Process step execution status did not always show what was currently happening.
- Fixed an issue where Target audience settings on navigation menu were not active after master site synchronization.
- Fixed an issue in the WorkPoint Automate where no user processes worked if a number field on the entity contained a negative value.
- Fixed an issue in the WorkPoint Automate where the Title field was not filled in when using the Create Item step to create a document from template.
- Fixed an issue in WorkPoint Automate where there was no option for automatically execute a button function on the "Finish" step. There is now a yes/no field for whether a button on the Finish step should be executed when a process finishes.
- Fixed an issue where WorkPoint Express was not WorkPoint version aware.
- Fixed an issue where the UpdateExisting option for Duplicate Behavior on the "Create a notification" step generated a new notification instead of updating an existing one.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where folders were not sorted correctly in the "Select library and folder" step. A new property has been added in the Process Builder with sorting options for the folders.
- Fixed an issue where Cross Module Parenting did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the connection from a process to the Term Store would break if a term used in the process was renamed.
- Fixed an issue where the Close button on the Finish step of a WorkPoint Automate process executed from a link did not close the browser tab.
- Fixed an issue where the "New" button on libraries on new sites did not follow the configuration made on the master site regarding CT for document groups.
- Fixed an issue where the Copy Entity Form listed contents from the wrong location.
- Fixed an issue where a process instance did not get terminated/cancelled if the process was closed before completion.
- Fixed an issue where Finish buttons opened their link twice when the process was launched from the WPE.
- Fixed an issue where the Active setting in Http Endpoint Library did not take effect. This setting has been removed.
- Fixed an issue in Entity activity log where it contained managed metadata field (EventType, EventSourceType) value.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where processes could not be opened in a new tab. This can now be done by Control-Left clicking or middle-mouse clicking the process title.
- Fixed an issue in the Process Builder where the history link did not work and was lost on page refresh.
- Fixed an issue where Business module provisioning did not show the actual status of the job.
- Fixed an issue where the job dispatcher was working too slow to keep up with the job queue size.
- Fixed an issue where webparts were not being added to master sites on Project Management solutions.
- Fixed an issue where the Site Maintenance page in the WorkPoint Administration was unreachable due to timeout on solutions with a large amount of data.
- Fixed an issue where aggregation jobs sometimes threw System.OutOfMemoryException exception.
- Fixed an issue where the Copy Entity wizard did not display available lists for which the user only had Contribute permissions.
- Fixed an issue where the "Send to..." window did not close when selecting an action to run.
- Fixed an issue where the Document set wizard failed if the list contained more than 5000 items.
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