Release date: 21st of September 2023 at approx. 19:00 CET.
Improvements and bug fixes
- The "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" fields on the Send e-mail WorkPoint Automate step now accepts references to user fields. This means that you can use single- or multi user fields as input for these fields on the step. Additionally, if a user field includes Active Directory groups, the members of the groups will also receive the e-mail being sent. This includes external users in the groups.
- The Stage Settings page for each module now includes a setting called "Stage Rendering Size". This setting controls the size of the elements of the Stage Band in the top panel and on the Details Card webpart, effectively changing the amount of space these elements take up. The setting has two options; Full and Compact. The Full rendering mode shows the Stage Band with the traditional size, while the Compact mode shows the same information but takes up less space. An example of the Compact rendering size is shown in the following image:
You can read more about the Stage Rendering Size in this article.
- The Top Panel version 2 now has a setting called "Entity Navigation Visibility". This option controls whether the entity navigation menu which is displayed when an entity is clicked in the top panel breadcrumb should show or hide the entity navigation elements to various lists and/or sub-modules. You can read more in this article about the top panel.
- Available endpoints displayed in the "Endpoint(from endpoint library)" field of the Send HTTP request WorkPoint Automate step are now sorted alphabetically.
- The "Update items" step has been renamed to "Update multiple items" as the previous name was too similar to the singular "Update item" step.
- Fixed various UI related issues in the Process Builder and in WorkPoint Automate processes.
- Fixed various error handling issues.
- Fixed various issues with the WorkPoint API.
- Fixed various issues where creating items using a sub-process did not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where optional parameters with no value being sent from using the "Send HTTP request" WorkPoint Automate step were not being correctly sent along with the request body. Optional parameters with no data now sends an empty string.
- Fixed an issue where the Copy or Move Documents WorkPoint Automate step would fail if attempting to copy/move a document which was checked out by another user, and if the naming conflict behaviour was set to "Replace".
- Fixed an issue where the "Quick copy" operation of the Copy or Move Documents WorkPoint Automate step would fail if the target business module used the Numerator Service feature.
- Fixed an issue where documents with the "docx" file extension would get corrupted after using the "Quick copy" operation on the Copy or Move Documents WorkPoint Automate step.
- Fixed an issue where Connections in the Process Builder could not be loaded.
- Fixed an issue where, in WorkPoint, when a user attempted to create a document from a template and the target library had "Require checkout" enabled, if the selected name for the created document template already existed and the naming behavior was set to "overwrite," the operation failed.
- Fixed an issue where creating list items from templates would fail if the content type in the List Item Template Library did not exist in the target List.
- Fixed an issue where managed metadata did not get copied when converting a document to PDF and a person column changed if copying between sites.
- Fixed an issue where adding an Active Directory group as default value on an Entity Form in the Process Builder would result in an error when trying to edit the field.
- Fixed an issue where creating new entities using sub-processes launched from the "+ Create new" option on lookup fields would result in the Create step to run endlessly despite its operation being complete.
- Fixed an issue where using the output from a Get Entity WorkPoint Automate step as input for an Entity Form did not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Create Activity WorkPoint Automate step would fail if running due to a file being uploaded, and said file was larger than 300 megabyte.
- Fixed an issue where notifications were not created correctly for external users.
- Fixed an issue where the "Edit" button for an item in the Express panel would be displayed for users who did not have edit permissions to the item.
- Fixed an issue where notifications created using the Create a notification WorkPoint Automate step in some circumstances would create the notification but leave the Recipients field blank.
- Fixed an issue where user fields from a Get Entity WorkPoint Automate step could not be used as input on a user field on the Create a notification step (e.g., using Entity_Get.wpProjectManager in the Recipients field).
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to insert a user from a Get Entity WorkPoint Automate step into a user field on a subsequent form (e.g., inserting Entity_Get.wpProjectManager into a user field on a subsequent Entity Form).
- Fixed an issue where template groups containing no documents were displayed in Search Form WorkPoint Automate steps if configured to look up templates.
- Fixed an issue where creating items from templates using the old WorkPoint wizards did not work after upgrading to WorkPoint 365 version 4.
- Fixed an issue with applying static security rules on buffer site creation.
- Fixed an issue where solution time zone did not follow the input provided under the WorkPoint installation wizard.
- Fixed an issue where the "Find related content" command set only showed up if both the "Has related content" and "Relation Sets" columns were active on the current view. Only the "Has related content" field must be active on the current view for the button to show up.
- Fixed an issue where when using a Search Setting it was not possible to hide the "Edit" and "Edit properties" buttons. A new setting on each Search Setting titled "Hide actions in preview panel" on search settings can now be used to hide these buttons.
- Fixed an issue where Security Replication jobs would fail if CAML query was loaded from a view.
- Fixed an issue where My Tools buttons in the Send to command set did not respect target audience settings.
- Fixed an issue where the Relations webpart showed incorrect values in some fields. The webpart continues to function, but affected users should update their webpart settings and synchronize them from the Master Site to property differentiate between affected fields.
- Fixed an issue where user information about who copied a document in the version history contained cryptic information. It now displays the e-mail of the user who copied the document.
- Fixed an issue where the Validates PDF Documents WorkPoint Automate step did not work in Parallel mode.
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