Article last updated on the 10th of January, 2025.
1. Introduction
2. Installing the WP365 Notifications app in Microsoft Teams
2.1. Installing for a single user
2.2. Central deployment for multiple users
2.2.1. Uploading the WP365 Notifications app
2.2.2. Setting up a setup policy
2.2.3. Assigning users to setup policies
2.2.4. Assigning groups to setup policies
3. Uninstalling the WP365 Notifications app from Microsoft Teams
3.1. Uninstalling for users not affected by setup policy
3.2. Uninstalling for users affected by setup policy
4. FAQs
1. Introduction
In this article, we will discuss how to make WorkPoint notifications appear in the activity feed of Microsoft Teams using the WP365 Notifications app. We will also cover how to uninstall this app as well as some frequently asked questions.
For general information about the notification service in WorkPoint 365, please visit this article.
2. Installing the WP365 Notifications app in Microsoft Teams
2.1. Installing for a single user
In order for notifications to appear in the activity feed of Microsoft Teams, you need to download and install the WP365 Notifications app manifest from the Notification Settings page:

- In the "Notifications in Microsoft Teams" section of the Notification Settings page, click "Here!" to download the WP365 Notifications app manifest file.
Note that the WP365 Notifications app downloaded works with the WorkPoint solution from which it is downloaded only. If you have multiple WorkPoint solutions which all use the Notification Service, one app for each solution must be downloaded from their individual administration page, and installed in Microsoft Teams.
In Microsoft Teams, we can now install the WP365 Notifications app:

- In the left side panel of Microsoft Teams, click the "More added apps" button and click "Get more apps".
- Alternatively, click the "Apps" button if it is available to you.

- In the bottom of the side panel in the Apps page, click "Manage your apps".

- In the "Manage your apps" page, click "Upload an app".

- In the "Upload an app" window, select "Upload a custom app".

- Browse to and select the downloaded WP365 Notifications app ZIP file and select "Open".
- In the "WP365 Notifications" window, click the "Add" button.
The WP365 Notifications app is now added to Microsoft Teams. The first time you open the WP365 Notifications app in Teams, the following permissions dialog should appear:

- Click the "Continue" button to provide the necessary permissions for the app.
The WP365 Notifications app will ask for the following permissions:
Permission | Why does the app need this permission? |
Receive messages and data that I provide to it. |
The app uses this permission to receive and display users' notifications from the WorkPoint 365 solution. |
Access my profile information |
The app uses this permission so it knows the user context in which to display notifications. |

- In the Permissions requested window, click the "Accept" button.
If No Permission Prompt Appears:
If the user is not prompted for permissions, it could be due to user consent settings in Entra ID.
When user consent is restricted, an Entra ID administrator will need to grant consent for the WorkPoint Teams Notification App under Enterprise Applications in Entra ID.
By ensuring these steps are followed, users can complete the permission request process successfully.
When the WP365 Notifications app has been successfully installed and permissions have been granted, any already existing notifications can be viewed by opening the app:
Notification profiles which have "Teams" enabled for notification types will also receive notifications in the activity feed of Microsoft Teams:
Accessing the activity feed shows the new notifications:
Please note that if your users have access to, and can receive notifications from multiple WorkPoint solutions in Microsoft Teams, an app must downloaded and installed for all relevant solutions in the way described in this section. This means that if a user has access to both a Project Management solution and an HR solution, and need to be able to receive notifications in Microsoft Teams, one app must be downloaded and installed for both solutions.
2.2. Central deployment for multiple users
The Microsoft Teams administration allows you to centrally deploy the WP365 Notifications app to multiple users, and enforce installation on the app for users in an organization.
This is done by uploading the app to the Teams administration and creating (or modifying) a setup policy, and assigning people or groups to the setup policy.
You can access the Microsoft Teams Administration using this link. This opens the Microsoft Teams administration dashboard:
2.2.1. Uploading the WP365 Notifications app
To upload the WP365 Notifications app, follow these steps:

- In the left side panel of the Microsoft Teams administration, expand the "Teams apps" section and select "Manage apps".
- In the "Manage apps" page, open the "Actions" menu and select "Upload new app".

- In the "Upload a custom app" pop-up, click the "Upload " button.
- Select the WP365 Notifications app downloaded from the WorkPoint 365 administration and select "Open".
The app should now be uploaded and displayed in the list of apps (here we have searched for "wp365" to find it):
2.2.2. Setting up a setup policy
Next, we need to set up a setup policy which we can apply to select personnel in the organization:
- In the left side menu of the Microsoft Teams administration, in the "Teams app" section select "Setup policies".
- By default, Microsoft Teams contains two default setup policies which cannot be deleted; the "Global (Org-wide default)" and "FirstLineWorker" policies.
- In this instance, we will create a new setup policy. To do this, we click the "Add" button in the command bar.
- At the top of the page, we provide a name and description for the new setup policy.
- Next, we want to add the WP365 Notification app to the setup policy to ensure that users targeted by it will get the app installed automatically. Click the "Add apps" button.

- In the right side panel, search for the WP365 Notifications app, hover over it and select "Add".

- In the bottom of the right side panel, click the "Add" button.
The app should now appear in the list of installed apps for the new setup policy:
Next, we can ensure that the app is automatically pinned for users targeted by the new setup policy:
- In the command bar of the "Pinned apps" section, click "Add apps".

- In the right side panel, search for the WP365 Notifications app, hover over it and select "Add".

- In the bottom of the right side panel, click the "Add" button.
The app should now appear in the list of pinned apps:
Note that you can rearrange the pinned apps by dragging and dropping them in the list.

- To save the new setup policy, we click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
The new setup policy should now appear in the list of setup policies:
Note that the WP365 Notifications app will be installed for all users targeted by the Setup Policy. This also means that the app will receive the following permissions for each user affected:
Permission | Why does the app need this permission? |
Receive messages and data that I provide to it. |
The app uses this permission to receive and display users' notifications from the WorkPoint 365 solution. |
Access my profile information |
The app uses this permission so it knows the user context in which to display notifications. |
2.2.3. Assigning users to setup policies
To assign users to a setup policy
- Select the setup policy to which you want to assign users.
- In the command bar, expand the "Manage users" menu and select "Assign users".

- In the right side panel, search for and add the users which should be assigned to the setup policy. Here we have added three people from our organization.
- To apply the settings and add the personnel to the setup policy, click the "Apply" button.
Before the personnel are added to the setup policy, you will see a confirmation dialogue:

- Consider the dialogue text and click "Confirm" when you are ready.
To unassign personnel from a setup policy, follow these steps:
- Select the setup policy from which you want to unassign one or more users.
- In the command bar, expand the "Manage users" menu and select "Bulk unassign users".
- In the "Unassign policies from users in bulk" page, select the setup policy and click "Unassign" in the command bar.

- Consider the confirmation dialogue and click "Confirm" when ready in unassign the users from the setup policy.
Note that unassigning personnel using this method will remove all personnel from the setup policy.
2.2.4. Assigning groups to setup policies
To assign an Active Directory group to a setup policy, follow these steps:
- In the "App setup policies" page, switch to "Group policy assignment".
- To add an Active Directory group to a setup policy, click the "Add" button in the command bar.

- In the right side panel, search for and select an Active Directory group.

- Next, select a setup policy to apply to the selected group. Here we select the "New setup policy" which we created earlier.

- In this instance we leave the "Select rank" setting at the default value of 1. If users in the selected group are part of any other groups with a policy assigned, those users will inherit the policy from the group with the highest rank.
- To save the settings and apply the selected policy to the selected Active Directory group, click the "Apply" button.

- Consider the confirmation dialogue text, and click "Confirm" when ready.
The configuration should now appear in the list of group policy assignments:
3. Uninstalling the WP365 Notifications app from Microsoft Teams
In this section, we will show how to uninstall the WP365 Notifications app from Microsoft Teams.
Note that if you have previously received notifications in your activity feed, these will still appear in your activity feed after uninstalling the WP365 Notifications app.
3.1. Uninstalling for users not affected by setup policy
Users who have the WP365 Notifications app installed and is not affected by a Setup Policy which mandates the app be installed in their Microsoft Teams can remove the app by right-clicking it and selecting "Uninstall":

- Right-click the WP365 Notifications app and select "Uninstall".

- Consider the confirmation dialogue and select "Uninstall" to uninstall the app.
Note that any notifications present in the Activity Feed in Microsoft Teams will persist, even after uninstalling the WP365 Notifications app.
3.2. Uninstalling for users affected by setup policy
If the WP365 Notifications app was centrally deployed to users' Microsoft Teams, you can remove it in two ways:
- Deleting the setup policy will make it possible for each user to individually uninstall the app using the method in pt. 3.1.
- Removing the WP365 Notifications app from the Setup Policy and deploying the changes will remove the app for users targeted by the setup policy.
Here we will demonstrate the latter option.
In this instance, a user is targeted by a setup policy which mandates the WP365 Notification be installed due to their membership of the "Project Managers" Active Directory group:

Editing the setup policy is done in the Microsoft Teams Administration portal:
- In the Microsoft Teams administration portal, expand the "Teams app" section of the left side menu and select "Setup policies".
- On the "Setup policies" page, select the setup policy which affects the personnel and which includes the WP365 Notifications app and click "Edit" in the command bar.
- In the "Installed apps" section of the page, select the WP365 Notifications app and click "Remove" in the command bar.
The app should no longer appear in the list of installed apps:
- In the "Pinned apps" section, select the WP365 Notifications app and click "Remove" in the command bar.
- To save the settings, click the "Save" button.
The setup policy no longer contains the WP365 Notifications app, but applying the changes to all users targeted by the setup policy may take some time depending on the number of users. Eventually, the WP365 Notification should no longer appear in targeted users' Microsoft Teams, here exemplified using the same user as we showed in the beginning of this section:

Note that removing the WP365 Notifications app using this method, users will still be affected by the setup policy, i.e., the remaining apps and settings from the setup policy will still be applied and enforced for the targeted users.
4. FAQs
This section contains various frequently asked questions about the displaying WorkPoint notifications in Microsoft Teams.
4.1. What does the WP365 Notification app do?
The WP365 Notifications app is used to display your WorkPoint notifications inside the Microsoft Teams application. It enables the user to view all their notifications, but it also enables notifications to appear in the activity feed of Microsoft Teams. Whenever a notification is received in WorkPoint, it will appear in the activity feed, as exemplified here:
4.2. Who will see the WP365 Notifications app i Microsoft Teams?
Who will see the WP365 Notifications app in their Microsoft Teams application depends on how it is installed.
The app can be installed on an individual user bases where a single user installs it manually in their personal Microsoft Teams application. In that case, the app will appear only in that user's Microsoft Teams.
However, it is also possible to centrally deploy the WP365 Notifications app to multiple account within an organization through Microsoft Teams setup policies. In that case, all personnel targeted by the setup policy will see the WP365 Notifications app in their Microsoft Teams application.
Both of these methods of installing the WP365 Notifications app are described in this article.
4.3. Do I need a WorkPoint 365 solution to use the WP365 Notifications app?
While it is possible to install a WP365 Notifications app in your Microsoft Teams without you having access to a WorkPoint 365 solution, it will not be able to display anything for you, because the app itself is generated from and works for a specific WorkPoint 365 solution. Therefore, it does not make sense to install a WP365 Notifications app without access to a WorkPoint 365 solution.
4.4. Can the WP365 Notifications app be removed again?
Certainly! Depending on the method of installing the WP365 Notifications app, the uninstallation process differs. The two different methods are described in this article.
4.5. What happens to the notifications I have received if I uninstall the WP365 Notifications app?
The notifications you have previously received and which are displayed in the activity feed in Microsoft Teams will persist in the feed after uninstalling the WP365 Notifications app. However, users will no longer be able to open the WP365 Notifications app and view their WorkPoint related notifications, which means that when the WorkPoint related notifications in the activity feed are pushed out by newer notifications from other sources, those WorkPoint related notifications will no longer be viewable in Microsoft Teams.
4.6. Does the WP365 Notifications app add any commands to Microsoft Teams?
The WP365 Notifications app does not add any commands to Microsoft Teams.
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