Article published on the 13th of November, 2024.
If you are trying to install a new solution using the WorkPoint installer after the release of WorkPoint 365 version 4.20, but have previously installed the app and in that process selected to allow WorkPoint to create sites for you, you may run into an issue where the installation of the installer fails to create the new solution.
This issue is a result of solution creation requiring a consent to the Site.Selected scope of the Microsoft Graph, which is granted automatically when installing running the app installation using the WorkPoint installer after WorkPoint 365 version 4.20 was released.
To resolve this issue, you can re-install the WorkPoint 365 app using the WorkPoint installer, by following these steps:
- In the WorkPoint installer, click the Options button for the WorkPoint 365 App and select "Reinstall". From here, please refer to the general documentation on installing the WorkPoint 365 app in this article.
After reinstalling the app, the installer should be able to once again create new solutions for you.
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