Dear WorkPoint partners
WorkPoint A/S is proud to announce a new release of WorkPoint Express, version 5.2.1 (release oct. 1 2016). This release includes new features and bug fixes.
New features
- WorkPoint Express desktop
All the familiar WorkPoint Express features accessible directly from your Windows desktop. Learn more.
- Advanced search
When search fields are configured in WorkPoint365 you can now use these in WorkPoint Express. Learn more.
- Entity Search on multiple fields
You can now search for other fields than entity title (e.g. Project ID etc.) depending on configuration in WorkPoint365. The setting can be configured for each business module under the "Client settings" menu item.
- Hosted WorkPoint Express settings datastore
Version 5.2.1 of WorkPoint Express no longer supports a local hosted WorkPoint Express settings datastore.
WorkPoint Express settings are now stored in a central and secured database in the cloud. WorkPoint 365 customers are not impacted by this change since they all ready are using the cloud solution to store WorkPoint Express settings. Learn more.
- New licensing handling
We have made improvements to our licensing handling to ensure a seamless experience for users connected to a domain or users logging in from a non domain joined pc.
- Root site group restrictions with Office 365 support
Root sites can be added centrally from within WorkPoint Express and be available to all users in an organization. With an Active Directory security group it is possible to limit which users can see the added root site in WorkPoint Express. We now also support using Active directory groups that are synchronized with Office 365 with Microsoft Active directory synchronization (dir sync).
- Email and document overview now available in all Office applications
The email and document overview feature, previous only available in WorkPoint Express from within Outlook, is now also available in Word, Excel, Powerpoint and WorkPoint Express desktop.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with date ordering
- Fixed an issue document templates merge fields created in different languages
- Fixed an issue with filenames including special characters would not open in read only mode
- Fixed an issue with creating contacts from emails using drag and drop
- Fixed an issue with lookup fileds in content type
- Fixed an issue with the breadcrumb navigation in the history pane
- Fixed and issue with the breadcrumb navigation when adding a folder to favorites
- Better handling when Microsoft Web Client service is not started
- Fixed an issue with lookup fields under some circumstances not working correctly
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