For customers in need of digital signature, WorkPoint365 offers integration with Penneo digital signature software.
This feature is licensed, make sure you have a WorkPoint license with this feature included.
You will need Penneo Desktop version 2.1.0 or newer installed on client PC's that will use digital signature.
API setup
Log in to using a user with administrator rights. Click the user icon and choose "My Profile"

Choose the tab "API Setup". Note the values for Client Key and Secret. These values will be used when configuring WorkPoint.

Create WorkPoint folders in Penneo
Log in to Choose menu ”Archive".
Click "New Folder" and create a folder named "WorkPoint" (without the quotes). The folder must be shared with all users who is going to use the feature. Every user must have rights "Can modify this content". Sharing of the folder can be done by clicking to button highligted below.
Click the button ”New folder” and create a new folder named ”WorkPoint - Archive”.
Placxe the cursor over the link to the WorkPoint folder. In the browser status bar you can see the URL for the link, e.g. Note the number, in this case 5132. It is needed later when configuring WorkPoint. And do the same for the WorkPoint Archive folder.

Configuring WorkPoint365 or WorkPoint
Enter the WorkPoint Adminstration and select menu point ”Penneo Digital Signature”. Fill in the fields as displayed below:

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