NOTE: Working with these features requires THOROUGH understanding of Email Manager 365 and WorkPoint 365!
DO NOT work with these features unless you have received WorkPoint 365 and Email Manager 365 training!
Three features can be used to clean up in Email Manager 365 data. These are
- Delete emails from journals
- Move emails from Archive to recycle bin
- Delete emails from recycle bin
NOTE: all rules are by default deactivated. Before you use them, make sure you understand what you are working with. These rules can PERMANENTLY delete content in Email Manager 365.
The features will run as jobs, and can be used independently.
1. Deletion of emails from journals.
This feature can, by use of configured rules, find selected journals and delete all email content in them.
NOTE: when emails are deleted from journals, they are gone, and this action cannot be undone.
2. Move emails from Archive to recycle bin
The archive in Email Manager 365 contains all the emails not connected to a journal. Thus this feature only affects emails not in a journal. The feature move emails based on the date. it checks on two dates:
- Creation date (if the email has not been restored from recycle bin)
- Restore date (if the email has been restored from recycle bin)
Email can be restored from recycle bin by users with sufficient privileges.
NOTE: If the the rules for auto journalising is changed, the system might not recognise an emails as connected to a journal and it might therefore be moved to the recycle bin.
3. Delete emails from recycle bin
When an email is deleted from recycle bin, it is permanently deleted from Email Manager 365
Emails are deleted based on a set date for deletion.
In WorkPoint 365 Admin interface go to ”Email Manager -> Maintenance”.

- ”Enabled Jobs” determines which job to enable
- ”Offsets in days”: Set the number of days from Creation data / Restore date. This is the date that determines which emails that is moved: If they are older than the date plus offset days.
- Similar to point 2 but looks at deletion date plus offset days.
Rules for deletion from journals
Settings for the rules can be found in WorkPoint 365 Admin: ”Email Manager -> Retention Rules”.
NOTE: Before you make rules, go to "Email Manager -> Maintenance" and deactivate this feature to prevent that a rule that is note tested starts running.

”Add retention rule” creates a new rule
- Under each rule ”Delete” removes the rule.
- ”Save” button saves changes to the rule.
- Test provides an overview over how many emails that is being affected by the rule. Before testing, the rule must be saved and a full synchronisation must have been completed.
- Mandatory Date Condition: Choose a date field. When the date in the field on an email is further back in time than offset days, the email will be removed.
- More conditions can be added.
NOTE: If date field is ”Creation time in database” or ”Email date” and ”Offset days” is set to 0 the condition is always valid,
Access to recycle bin
Edit the setting in the Admin interface under ”Email Manager User Interface Access”.

- Access levels:
- Full access: Emails in recycle bin can be opened and copied. Emails can be restored in Email Manager 365.
- Limited with preview: User can see list view of emails and preview. Emails can be restored.
- Limited: as above but without the preview.
- No access: Take a guess... ;-)
- Administrator recycle bin controls the access by selecting a SharePoint user group. Members of the group will have access. If no group is selected, noone has access to administrator recycle bin.
- This setting determines the access level for the selected SharePoint group.
- Full access: Emails in recycle bin can be opened and copied. Emails can be restored in Email Manager 365.
- Limited with preview: User can see list view of emails and preview. Emails can be restored.
- Limited: as above but without the preview.
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