Article last updated on the 4th of January 2023.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
4. Notes
4.1. Content types and fields not synchronized
4.1.1. Content types
4.1.2. Fields
1. Introduction
In some cases, a Site Collection Synchronization needs to be performed in order to roll out changes from the root site collection to one or more site collections in a solution. An example could be when creating a new group of people on a solution utilizing the Multiple entities per site collection architecture.
Site Collection Synchronizations are usually needed when adding new users and/or groups to a solution, changes are made to terms, or site columns are changed or added.
Site Collection Synchronization can be executed from the WorkPoint 365 Administration.
2. Requirements
There are currently no requirements associated with the use of Site Collection Synchronization.
3. Configuration
As mentioned, site collection synchronization can be executed from the WorkPoint 365 Administration:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- Click the cog icon to access the WorkPoint Administration.
- In the WorkPoint Administration left side panel, click "Site Collection Synchronization". This opens the Site Collection Synchronization page:
- Select whether Site Content Types should be synchronized.
- Select whether Site Columns should be synchronized.
- Select whether permissions should be synchronized.
- Select whether Term Groups should be synchronized.
- Select whether Language Resources should be synchronized. Language resources include translations for site columns, content types, and terms in the term store.
- Toggle whether the Site Collection overview should only display Master Site Collections. If not checked, all site collections will be displayed, including entity site collections on One-site-collection-per-entity business modules.
- Use the Filter drop down to only have site collections from e.g. a selected business module shown.
- Select which site collections to synchronize. At least one site collection must be selected to submit the site collection synchronization job.
- Click the "Refresh" button if the list does not show all available site collections.
- Click the "Submit Job" button to start the Site Collection Synchronization job.
- The Job List lists all current and previously recorded Site Collection Synchronizations.
- Click the "Refresh" button to refresh the Job list. This is useful if you are currently running a Site Collection Synchronization, and which to view the progress.
- Click the "Clear Job list" to clear the job list of entries.
The following image shows an example of an entry in the Job list:
4. Notes
Depending on the size and scope of the Site Collection Synchronization, it may be advisable to pick and choose which aspects of the synchronization are needed. Customize the synchronization by choosing which aspects to synchronize with the controls in pt. 4-8.
4.1. Synchronizing permissions for added directly to root site
Note that users added directly to the root site of your WorkPoint solution will be added to site collections affected by the scope of your Site Collection Synchronization. Also note that if these users are removed from the root site and a new Site Collection Synchronization is started, the users will NOT be removed from the site collections affected by the synchronization.
4.2. Content types and fields not synchronized
The following content types and fields are NOT included in site collection synchronization:
4.2.1. Content types
If you wish to use one of these content types, a way to do so is to create a custom content type and use the desired one from this list as a parent for the custom content type.
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4.2.2. Fields
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1 comment
outdated content - screen has changed
options have changed
you cannot select target master site, you MUST hit all master sites or none
apparently, some columns doesnt get replicated, ( hand made columns )
Plz reach out for more info
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