Article last updated on the 23rd of November 2020.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
5. Notes
5.1. List View webpart White List
5.1.1. Scopes supported
5.1.2. List types supported
5.1.3. List view types supported
5.1.4. Grouping
5.1.5. Filtering
5.1.6. Rendering of Multi Line text
1. Introduction
The List View webpart for WorkPoint 365 is used for displaying list information on a WorkPoint dashboard. List View webparts can be used to display a range of list contents, e.g. document list contents or E-mail list contents.
2. Requirements
There are currently no requirements associated with the use of the List View webpart.
3. Configuration
The List View webpart can be added to a section in a WorkPoint dashboard:
- In a section with no current content, click the "+" button.
- In the list of available webparts, click the "WorkPoint 365 - List View" webpart.
- Click either the pen icon to the left, or the "Configure web part" button.
- You can provide a title for the webpart. This title will show above the content of the List View webpart in the dashboard.
- You can select a scope for where to pull list data from. The default scope is "Current site", which in this case would be the current project. Other scopes include Root site and Parent site.
- Depending on the scope selected, you can select lists to pull data to show from. Examples could be document libraries or E-mail lists.
- In order to show content in the List View webpart, a view from the selected list must be selected. the webpart will display items from the list based on this view.
- You can enable sorting of the web part contents by clicking the "Sorting" checker ON.
- In order to filter the contents of the List View webpart, you can select a field on the selected list, then proceed to step 10.
- Once you have selected a field on the list, select an entity field. The contents of these two fields will be evaluated and if the values equal each other, the item will be shown in the List View webpart.
- You can enable Grouping of List View webpart contents by checking the Grouping enabled checker ON. This expands the configuration window with the following options:
- Select a field which will be used to group the List View contents by.
- Select how to display the grouping in the webpart. Below is shown an example where contents have been grouped by version number in tabbed view mode.
- The contents are grouped by version number, which is displayed above the contents.
The following image shows another example of a list view webpart in use. This one display a document library, including e.g. a multi-line text field:
4. End User Guide
Click here to go to the end user guide article for Webpart List View.
5. Notes
Note that some column types do not support showing total counts when viewing the list in the List View webpart.
These columns include:
- Title
- Site
- Look-up columns
- User and Group columns
- Date-Time columns
5.1. List View webpart White List
WorkPoint supports various types of lists to be displayed by the List View webpart. There may, however, also be certain list types which are not yet supported.
The purpose of this white list is to provide information about which aspects of the List View webpart are supported by WorkPoint - "supported" meaning that these a tested and verified to work.
5.1.1. Scopes supported
The following scopes are supported by the List View webpart:
- Root site
- Current site
- Parent site
5.1.2. List types supported
The following list types can be used to pull contents from:
- Standard list
- Task list
- Events list
5.1.3. List view types supported
The following list view types can be used to display list contents:
- Standard view
5.1.4. Grouping
The following field types can be used for Grouping:
- Text fields
- People fields
- DateTime fields
5.1.5. Filtering
Filtering does NOT support hidden fields, or target list fields which are not filterable.
Fields with the following internal names are NOT supported for filtering:
- Edit
- AppAuthor
- AppEditor
The following entity field types are NOT supported for filtering:
- Multi User fields
- Multi Lookup fields
- Multi Taxonomy fields
- Currency fields
- DateTime fields
The following target list types are NOT supported for filtering:
- Currency fields
- DateTime fields
5.1.6. Rendering of Multi Line text
On lists (e.g. business module lists), it is possible to create multi-line text columns to contain data. It is also possible to enable a setting called "Append Changes to Existing Text". This setting changes the behavior of how to column data is rendered.
If "Append Changes to Existing Text" is enabled, the column will display a "Show entries" text, which when clicked, takes the user to a page where the entries in the field can be viewed:
- Clicking "View Entries" takes the user to a page where the entries in the field can be viewed:
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