Article published on the 21st of July 2020.
1. Introduction
The Journal web part in WorkPoint 365 is used for displaying recent activity, either across an entire WorkPoint solution or on a specific entity site.
It offers configuration options, such as a web part title, scope, sources, and how many items to show.
In this article, we will go over the configuration options for the Journal web part.
2. Requirements
There are currently no license requirements related to the use of the Journal web part.
3. Configuration
The Journal web part can be added - as with all other web parts - to a dashboard page on e.g. the Home page of an entity, or on the root dashboard of the solution.
In the following configuration example we will set up the Journal web part on the Home page of a project entity site on a Project Management solution.
- When editing the contents of a page in WorkPoint 365, click to add a new web part.

- Scroll down to or search for the "WorkPoint 365 - Journal" web part and select it.
- Click the "Configure web part" button. This opens the Journal web part configuration side panel:

- For the "Title", we have substituted the default title of "Journal" to "Latest activity".
- The scope determines from where the journal displays activity from. In this case, we have selected "Entity site" such that the information displayed in the web part is relevant to the current entity only. The other option is "Entire WorkPoint Solution", which makes the web part display activity from across the entire WorkPoint solution.
- Sources determines which kind of activity to display. In this case, we want to have displayed activity related to e.g. Documents and Emails, but not Email Manager Emails.
- You can control how many entries the web part displays in the "Numbers of items shown" value. In this case, we select 10.

- In the top right of the page, click the "Republish" button and reload the page. The web part should now display information, provided the has been activity on the site:

4. End User Guide
For an end user guide for the Journal web part, please visit this article.
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