Article published on the 28th of May 2024.
This article covers updating WorkPoint 365, not Modern UI. For information on how to update Modern UI, please visit this article.
1. Introduction
When your WorkPoint 365 solution is one or more versions behind the current version, the following message is shown in the WorkPoint Administration dashboard:
Updating WorkPoint 365 will update the fields of a solution, should new ones be used by a recently pushed update to the back-end code of WorkPoint. The back-end code of WorkPoint 365 is not updated by clicking the update button in the WorkPoint Administration, and therefore, there is no risk of accidentally update and ruin some part of a solution.
Thus, updates should always be installed whenever possible.
This article aims to explain how to update WorkPoint 365 to the newest version.
2. Updating WorkPoint 365
Updating WorkPoint 365 to the newest version is done from the WorkPoint 365 Administration:
- In the WorkPoint Administration dashboard, click the "click here" link in the information box.
- In case the information box is now showing up, for example if it was manually closed, you can click the "Update" button in the left side panel.
Either of these options opens the Update page:
- In the Update page, the "Current version" line displays the current WorkPoint 365 version that your solution uses.
- The "Newest version" line displays the newest version of WorkPoint 365. Comparing the current version and the newest version reveals how many versions your solution is out of date, if any. Furthermore, you can click "see release notes" to view the latest release notes for WorkPoint 365.
- From the Update page, you can also update Modern UI. For more information on how to update Modern UI, visit this article.
- To update your solution to the newest version of WorkPoint 365, click the "Update" button.
The following message is now displayed:
As this job runs in the background, you can close this window while the process is running. Else, upon completion, you should be returned to the Update page, now showing the current number as the newest version:
Note that while the update process in running, most end user tasks (e.g. opening and editing documents) can still be performed as usual. Doing administrative work (e.g. creating and/or configuring business modules) could interfere with the update process and should in most cases be avoided.
3. Notes
Updating WorkPoint 365 also updates Modern UI. Modern UI is an app, which resides in your tenant app catalog. It is therefore important that the tenant app catalog site allows custom scripts. If it doesn't, updating WorkPoint 365 results in the following exception in the WorkPoint Event Log:
To prevent this issue, please ensure that your tenant app catalog site allows custom scripts:
Note that when you allow custom scripts on the tenant app catalog site, this setting will automatically be reverted to "Blocked" after 24 hours. To prevent this automatic behaviour, you can use the following PowerShell command:
Set-SPOTenant -DelayDenyAddAndCustomizePagesEnforcement $True
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