The following covers both the release note for WorkPoint Version as well as the notes.
These notes contain both the new features, improvements and bugfixes of WorkPoint 365 version, which was rolled out to selected customers since the 26th of October, as well as improvements to both existing and new features and a number of additional bugfixes.
WorkPoint 365 version and is being released on the 24th of November 2020 at 19:00 CET.
New Features
Run Email Manager with emails stored in SharePoint
WorkPoint has developed a new content type for this purpose: The WorkPoint365 Email content type.
Due to the fact that the WorkPoint365 Email content type contains site columns, this makes the content type easier to maintain, and e-mail libraries with site columns also improves search capabilities for e-mails in WorkPoint 365.
Additionally, the journalize flag feature has been extended to show the flag for both direct recipients as well as recipients in the CC-field. The location of the journalized e-mail can be inspected in the bottom panel in Outlook.
You can read more about the new WorkPoint365 Email content type in this article.
Multiple stage models on one module
The Multiple Stage Model per Business Module feature allows you to define multiple stage models for your business modules and utilize them in various ways.
An example of the use of multiple stage models could be using different stage models for different project types on a project management solution, or using different stage models based on project size.
You can read more about the Multiple Stage models feature in this article.
Using Stage Management in WorkPoint it is possible to define one or more stage models for each business module. These stage models consist of a set of stages which entities can go through.
The sub-stages feature allows you to define sub-stages for each stage. An example could be to break up the "Analysis" stage up into sub-stages, e.g. "Data collection" "Risk analysis", etc.
You can read more about the Substage feature in this article.
Remote file explorer
From WorkPoint it is now possible to view and access files from remote storage. These storages could be other document systems online or on-prem.
Each entity in WorkPoint can be related to a local directory path from the file server from where files can be fetched.
Documentation for this feature is released at a later date.
Subsite architecture
WorkPoint has now introduced a new architecture type called “Store sites as sub-sites for parent”.
Entity sites created on business modules with this architecture will be created as sub-sites for the business module’s parent module.
An example of the use of this feature could be with a typical Companies – Projects business module setup for Project Management solutions. The Companies business module architecture could be set to one entity per site collection, and the Projects architecture could be set to the new sub-site for parent option.
This would allow all projects within a specific company to be stored in the same site collection.
You can read more about the Subsite architecture in this article.
Partition in folders
Folder support for Business Module lists is a feature developed to help scale WorkPoint for extremely large solutions.
One of the issues with scaling WorkPoint to very large solutions is the amount of unique permissions on entities on business modules. Although up to 50.000 unique permissions per module is supported, it is recommended to keep unique permissions as minimal as possible, and to not exceed 5.000.
A potential issue related to scaling due to unique permissions are illustrated in the following example case:
A solution has two modules: a Members module and a Member cases module. Members are grouped into offices. A requirements for the solution is that users only see members and corresponding member cases for the office that specific users belong to. This requires unique permissions on all members and all member cases, and therefore, which would not scale very well due to the amount of unique permissions on the business module.
To support the example, as well as other cases with large solutions, WorkPoint makes it possible to group entities which share the same permission set into folders in the business module lists. This makes it possible to set unique permissions on a folder, instead of each individual entity by greatly reducing the number of unique permissions needed.
You can read more about the Folder Support for business modules feature in this article.
Cascading events
Cascaded events allow for one event to trigger another in sequence.
Various events can trigger other events, e.g. data aggregations, inheritances, and stage changing.
You can read more about Cascading events in this article.
Recursive modules
Recursive modules make it possible to define parent/child relationships between entities within the same business module.
General use cases for this could be defining subsidiaries under parent companies or relationships between a project and sub-projects.
You can read more about the Recursive Business modules feature in this article.
.Net core support in proxy to integration API
When using the WorkPoint API through code, WorkPoint now supports the use of dlls through .net core.
- If stage change is impacted by both a warning and an error, both will now show up in the Change Stage wizard. In addition, if both a warning and an error is displayed in the Change Stage wizard and the user proceeds to the next step, the warning disappears, but the error will still prevent the stage change.
- The Site Collection Admin portal has been merged into the WorkPoint 365 Administration. The Site Collection Admin portal can now be accessed from the WorkPoint 365 Administration in the left side menu, by clicking "Site Collection Administration".
- When defining constraints for stage change it is now with the "Metadata Advanced" constraint source possible to type in a CAML query to use as constraint definition.
- Multiple improvements have been implemented for the Task Overview webpart. It is now possible to:
- Define whether to show only the task filter panel, only the task list, or both in the overview.
- Filter the task list in the overview by overdue tasks.
- Use views for the task list in the overview.
- It is now possible to add additional columns to the relations webpart. If your relations webpart is showing e.g. related projects, it is now possible to additionally show the site link and name of the related project's company.
- Multiple improvements for the List View webpart have been implemented. It is now possible to:
- Go to a filtered view of the list that the List View webpart is showing based on the filter used on the webpart..
- Render Lookup fields as links.
- Render Multiline Text fields as entries.
- Improved performance when updating Modern UI by tenant deployment of the Modern UI app. This makes updating Modern UI much faster, even when updating solutions with a large amount of site collections.
- Added an option to always have the stage panel displayed in broad or narrow mode.
- Removed support for setting up nintex workflows on transitions in Stage Management.
- Fixed an error with the Relations webpart which failed if using multi managed metadata fields.
- Fixed an issue with PDF generation during digital signature.
- Fixed an issue where Site Collection Synchronization to all site collections also included deleted site collections.
- Fixed an issue where Wizards did not handle column validation.
- Fixed an issue where the first item in a list would be hidden under the header of the list.
- Fixed an issue which resulted in the "My Tasks" button on the Task Overview webpart to not be shown until the page was refreshed.
- Fixed an issue with some command sets which were using Async loading in 'onListViewUpdated'.
- Fixed an issue with backwards compatibility on stagemodel id in change stage wizards for solutions which are not updated.
- Fixed an issue where cascaded event jobs were not added to JobLog.
- Fixed an issue where new WorkPoint Express licenses were not pre-filled with E-mail configurations.
- Fixed an issue where sub-folder location in the document creation wizard in some instances would not be pre-filled.
- Fixed an issue where Entity Search would not set scope correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Site Collection Creation did not ensure that the SharePoint group owner was a valid AD user/group.
- Fixed an issue with Entity Creation wizard field description formatting.
- Fixed an issue with the Email Manager webpart showing incorrect data.
- Fixed an issue where the automatic filling of the wpParent columns failed when the number of lookup items exceeded 5000.
- Fixed an issue with the breadcrumb in the Advanced search webpart which would sometimes show duplicate labels.
- Fixed an issue with navigation in the Advanced Search webpart if the term clicked had translations.
- Fixed an issue where the coloring of the Favorite button in MyTools would sometimes disappear when navigating the site.
- Fixed an issue where iOS and MacOSX redirecting ended up on the SharePoint front page instead on a specific site.
- Fixed an issue where the default scope of an Advanced Search webpart on an entity site was not the entity itself.
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