Article published on the 24th of November 2020.
1. Introduction
When an e-mail is journalized in WorkPoint, the location of where it was journalized can be viewed in the bottom panel of the e-mail.
This ensures that users have quick access to the location of an e-mail without having to navigate down the tree structure of the WorkPoint solution.
2. Requirements
The Journalized E-mail Location feature requires Email Manager.
This feature also requires that the "Journal Locations" feature is enabled on the WorkPoint license.
Another requirement is that the library in which the e-mail is journalized must use the WorkPoint365 Email content type.
Additionally, the WorkPoint365 Email content type must be configured for e-mail lists in the WorkPoint Express settings.
3. Feature description
As previously mentioned, the location of journalized e-mails can be inspected in the bottom panel of the selected journalized e-mail:
- In the bottom panel, we can see that the selected e-mail is journalized on the "Office 365 Implementation" entity in WorkPoint. Clicking the entity site icon opens the entity in WorkPoint Express.
- The user can click the down arrow to collapse the panel.
Note that if the panel is open at all times, the attempt to find a journal location (which is done through search) will be done for each mail opened. This may result in longer load time for e-mails.
If the e-mail is at a later date deleted from the location, the bottom panel will reflect this by not showing a location anymore.
Please note that the Journal Locations feature is based on Search. This means that there will be a delay from journalizing e-mails until the location will show up in the bottom panel. A general rule of thumb is that if the e-mail can be found using search in e.g. WorkPoint Express, then the location will also show up in the bottom panel.
Please also note that if another person journalizes an email in a location the current user does not have permission to see, the current user will not see the location in the bottom panel.
4. Enabling WorkPoint365 Email content type in WorkPoint Express
As previously mentioned, for the Journal Location feature to work, the WorkPoint 365 Email content type must be configured in the WorkPoint Express settings. To do this, follow these steps:
- In WorkPoint Express, click the "Menu" button.
- In the menu, click "Settings".
- In the WorkPoint Express settings, open the "System" tab.
- In the System tab, open the "E-mail List Configuration" tab.
- If the "WorkPoint365 Email" content type already exists in the list of content types, you do not have to do anything else. If it does not, click "Add WorkPoint365 Email content type". The system takes care of adding all necessary fields for the content type automatically. Note that the File name postfix format should be set, whereas the Excluded web site url's field can be left empty. You can read more about configuring Email lists in this article (for WorkPoint) and this article (for SharePoint).
- You can now close the WorkPoint Express settings and restart the application.
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