1. Introduction
The Email Links feature makes it possible to create links which are easily accessible from the right-click menu of E-mails in Microsoft Outlook.
This makes it possible to users to right-click an e-mail in one of their inboxes and select to open a configured link, which might be a link to either a webpage, a Microsoft Power App, etc.
The feature works by configuring a button which appears in the right-click menu of e-mails in Microsoft Outlook. Clicking this button will open the link specified in the configuration. If this is a link to a webpage, the webpage is simply opened. If it is e.g. a Microsoft PowerApp, the app is opened in a browser window.
2. Requirements
There are no requirements associated with the use of the Email Links feature in WorkPoint Express.
3. Configuration
To configure custom Email Links, open the WorkPoint Express settings:
- In WorkPoint Express, click the "Menu" button.
- In the menu, click "Settings".
- In the WorkPoint Express settings, open the "System" tab.
- In the System tab, open the "E-mail Links" tab.
In the E-mail Links tab, we can configure links we want to be able to open when right-clicking an e-mail in Microsoft Outlook:
- In the first column, select the site which has to be active for the link to show up in the right-click menu of e-mails.
- Provide a name for the button which opens the link.
Note that a name with the following configuration will make it so that Express using English language and Express using Danish language shows different names for the configured button (More languages are available):
en-GB=Create Contact;da-DK=Opret Kontakt
- Select whether to open the link in a new window or in a dialog.
- Type in the link you want to open when the button is clicked.
The following sections provide examples for E-mail Link configurations.
3.1. Send a Microsoft Teams chat message to e-mail sender
In this example we will set up a button that when clicked opens a chat correspondence in Microsoft Teams between the user and the sender of an e-mail.
The configuration looks like the following:
- We select a site for which the E-mail Link should work.
- We provide an informative name for the button which opens the link. In this case, the link opens the chat in Microsoft Teams, so we name the button "Chat".
- We select to open the link in a Windows. This will ensure that WorkPoint Express opens the link in the preferred Windows application in Windows.
- We provide the Link "IM:<sip:{EmailFrom.Email}>". "IM" stands for "Instant message" which is a command that allows us to open applications capable of sending instant messages (i.e. chats) between users. The "EmailFrom.Email" part tells WorkPoint Express to use the Email address of the person from whom the e-mail was sent as recipient of the instant message.
Technically when first opening a link of this type, the user will be prompted for which application to use for instant messaging. If Microsoft Teams is installed, it can be selected from a list of other available applications, if any exist.
This configuration results in the following button appear:
- Under "WorkPoint Express" we find the "Chat" button.
3.2. Opening a PowerApp from an Email
In the following example case, we want to be able to right-click an e-mail in Microsoft Outlook and create a new contact person in our WorkPoint solution. For that purpose, we have created the following Microsoft Power App:
- The "Title" text field has been given the following "default" code:
- The "Email" text field has been given the following "default" code:
These parameters can be used to fill the Title and Email fields automatically based on data from the email which the PowerApp is launched from. In the Email Links settings in WorkPoint Express, we add the following configuration:
- We select the WorkPoint site that this configuration is made for. In this case, we want to be able to create contact persons on the "anm0012" site.
- We call the button "Create Contact".
- We select to open the PowerApp in a dialog window so that we can keep the user somewhat inside Outlook when launching the PowerApp.
- For the Link, we input the link to the PowerApp we created, along with the parameters we want to send to the PowerApp ("ContactName" and "ContactEmail"). The full link for this example looks like this:{EmailFrom.Name}&ContactEmail={EmailFrom.Email}
The "ContactName={EmailFrom.Name}" parameter lets the PowerApp know that wherever it encounters the "ContactName" parameter, it should substitute it for the name of the sender of the e-mail from which the PowerApp was launched. The same goes for the "ContactEmail={EmailFrom.Email}" parameter.
With this configuration, we can right-click an e-mail and view the result:
- We right-click an e-mail from Edward Dean and select WorkPoint Express, and "Create Contact".
This launches the PowerApp we configured for this case:
- We can see that the "Title"- and the "Email" fields have been pre-filled with information from the e-mail we ran the PowerApp from. We can now fill in the other fields:
- We click the "Submit" button to create the contact in our WorkPoint solution.
Once the process is complete, the contact person appears on our Contacts business module in our WorkPoint solution:
4. End User Guide
The buttons created by configuring Email Links appear when right-clicking e-mails in Microsoft Outlook:
- Right-click an e-mail in Microsoft Outlook.
- Select "WorkPoint Express".
- Click the e-mail link you wish to open. In this case, we have two e-mail links configured; "Chat" opens Microsoft Teams and starts a chat with the sender of the e-mail clicked, and "Create Contact" launches a PowerApp for creating new contact persons in a WorkPoint solution based on the information from the sender of the e-mail clicked.
Note that the examples given in pt. 25 are example cases that does not come out-of-the-box with WorkPoint Express.
5. Notes
Note that for Email Links, it is possible to fetch information from different personnel in an e-mail correspondence. These will need to be provided in the "Link" field of the configuration set up in the Email Links settings in WorkPoint Express using the following keywords:
Keyword | Fetch |
EmailFrom.Name | The name of the user in the "From" field of the e-mail |
EmailFrom.Email | The email address of the user in the "From" field of the e-mail |
EmailTo.Name | The name of the user in the "To" field of the e-mail |
EmailTo.Email | The email address of the user in the "To" field of the e-mail |
EmailCc.Name | The name of the user in the "Cc" field of the e-mail |
EmailCc.Email | The email address of the user in the "Cc" field of the e-mail |
EmailReceived | The date the e-mail was received |
EmailSubject | The text in the Subject line of the e-mail |
EmailBody | The body of the e-mail |
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