1. Introduction
Often a user has the need to copy an existing entity. A typical case for this is that a new entity is needed which resembles an already existing one. This way, the user skips entering in basic data again and creating items, documents and folders.
This feature is accessed through a Wizard which guides the user through the following steps;
- Choosing the source entity (the entity from which to copy).
- Entering master data pre-entered from the source with opportunity to enter additional data.
- Choosing the Scope of what to copy. The following can be chosen:
- Entity lists items.
- Entity library documents.
- Entity library folders.
- Relations.
Step 1 from the list above can be skipped, in case the copy-entity action is performed directly on a selected entity in the entity list.
This feature is useful e.g. if a user wants to create a new entity which largely resembles an already existing one. The user finds the existing entity in its business module list and clicks the “Copy Entity” button from the command bar. By doing this, the Copy Entity wizard opens, and takes the user through the steps to copy the entity, allowing the user to enter custom master data specific for the new entity.
2. Requirements
A valid Wizard Configurator license is required for this feature to work.
3. Configuration
In order to set up the Wizard to copy entities, follow these steps:
- Click to Home button of the solution.
- Enter the WorkPoint 365 Administration by clicking the cog-icon in the bottom of the menu.
- Enter the Wizard Configurator from the WorkPoint 365 Administration side menu.
- At the bottom of the Wizard Configurator, click “Add Wizard Configuration”.
In the newly opened page the Copy Entity Wizards needs to be set up as follows:
- Set a title for the Wizard.
- Optionally add a translation to the title.
- Enter a description for the Wizard.
- Optionally add a translation to the Wizard description.
- Check “Enabled”.
- Check “Enabled for Command bar”. If this is checked, a button for opening the wizard is created in the command bar, as shown in the image below:
- Select the flows as shown in the image by clicking the green bar and adding the relevant flows.
- Finalize the creation of the Wizard by clicking “Save” at the bottom of the page.
This wizard can also be started using a button on the MyTools panel. For this, configuration of a button on the MyTools panel needs to be set up. To do this, access the WorkPoint 365 Administration, and navigate to the MyTools interface via the button on the left side bar of the administration page, and follow these steps:
- Select the business module for which you wish to create a copy entity-button.
- Select the button-group that the Copy Entity-button should be nested under.
- Click the Add Button-button in the menu to the right.
- Input a label for the button.
- Select an icon that represents the action to be made.
- Select the type. In this case, we want to run the wizard for copying an entity.
- Select the wizard that should be opened.
- Select the business module to search through for the target entity (generally the same as the instance selected previously).
The rest of the options are not relevant for this configuration and should be ignored.
Finalize the creation and configuration of the new button by clicking the Save-button:
Before being able to see the new button, the WorkPoint 365 Browser Cache needs to be cleared.
You do this by clicking the Home side panel button then clicking “Need help?” at the bottom (1). You can now click “Clear WorkPoint 365 browser cache” (2), as seen in the image below:
A button should now appear in the MyTools panel of entities of the business module for which we just configured the Copy Entity-button:
4. End User Guide
Click here to go to the end user guide article for Copy Entity.
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