For WorkPoint solutions, there are certain recommendations regarding scaling, e.g. number of subsites per site collection or unique security scopes per list/library. Some of these limitations and recommendations relate directly to the WorkPoint solution while others are in place due to limitations in SharePoint. The limits set by Microsoft regarding SharePoint Online should always be respected and can be found at SharePoint Online Limits.
1. Subsites
Microsoft recommends that the number of subsites per site collection does not exceed 2,000. However, experience has shown that this number should be kept even lower. WorkPoint recommends that you set this value to 100. It is technically possible to have more subsites per site collection, but this requires very simple setups, as well as a low amount of data per site. If complex setups and a considerable amount of data are involved, WorkPoint recommends choosing either a Multiple entities per site site collection- or One site collection per entity site architecture.
2. Unique security scopes per list/library
Based on Microsoft recommendations, WorkPoint recommends that the number of unique security scopes for lists or libraries do not exceed 5,000. When working with large lists, one should design to have as few unique permissions as possible for optimal performance.
3. Business module list entities
For performance reasons, the amount of entities in business module lists should not exceed 100,000. This number can be affected by several things (unique security scopes, complexity of fields, business module hierarchy), so please make sure that the scaling is properly analyzed and tested before implementing a solution. Please also note, that exceeding 5,000 items indexes on the list may require redesign of views.
Should a module list approach the limit, the Move Entity feature can be used to move entities to another business module, say an archive module.
You can read more about the Move Entity feature here.
4. Documents/items per list/library
SharePoint Online has a limit of 30 million documents/items in a library/list. Once a list or library contains more than 100,000 items, permission inheritance for that list or library can no longer be changed. For performance reasons, WorkPoint recommends significantly less documents/items per list/library. Please see Manage large lists and libraries in Office 365 for further information.
5. Site architecture
Site architecture relates to whether a business module is set up as Single site collection, Multiple entities per site collection, or One site collection per entity.

WorkPoint does not recommend Single site collection mode for production environment unless very simple setups (less than a total of 1.000 entity and less than 100 GB of data). One of the reasons for not recommending this is that it can be very difficult to redesign the site architecture if requirements change and scaling will be required over time. Use Single site collection mode primarily for test and development environment.
SharePoint support 500.000 sites pr. organization. Depending on the overall use of the SharePoint tenant this number should be considered if WorkPoint should support a large amount of entities. To exceed the 500.000 sites pr. organization, the Multiple entities per site collection can be used to bundle many sites within a single site collection and thereby scale WorkPoint to the extremes.
Integration with Office 365 groups, Planner and Microsoft Teams is only available with the One site collection per entity mode.
A summary of pros and cons with the different architecture can be found here.

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