Article last updated on the 2nd of May, 2024.
1. Introduction
Stages can be represented in three different view modes in the Modern UI version of WorkPoint; Full, History, or Compact mode. You can read more about Stage Management here.
Full mode is the default mode and displays the entire stage gate model on the site page. This is exemplified in the red box in the image below:
Top panel v1:
Top panel v2:
A stage gate model can potentially include many different stages - so many that showing them all distracts from other important information and clutters the page with unnecessary elements unrelated to the current stage of the work item.
This is what the History mode is designed for. The History mode shows only the current stage, as well as stages that the work item has gone through. In case of a work item transitioning to a previous stage, this will also be visible in the History view. This is exemplified in the images below:
Top panel v1:
Top panel v2:
- The current stage is the "Planning" stage.
- Stages that the work item has previously been in are the "Idea"- and "Analysis" stages.
At this point, a transition from the "Planning" stage back to the "Analysis" stage is performed.
- The current stage is now the "Analysis" stage.
- Stages that the work item has now previously been in are the "Idea", "Analysis", and "Planning" stages. Notice that the work item has been in the "Analysis" stage twice now.
2. Use Case
Organizations may have multiple stages for entities such as customers and projects, and while all stages may be relevant for the entities in the beginning, some of these may become irrelevant as the projects or the relationship between the organization and the customer develops. The Full Stage view displays all the stages that the entity may go through. This can create confusion and, in some cases, misleading information about the entities, as the system displays the entities as having been through all stages while this may not be the case.
Example: An organization has defined the following stages for their projects:
Initiation --> Planning --> Development --> Implementation --> Rejected --> Archived
In the Full Stage view, all these stages will be displayed for all projects, with a highlight of the current stage. In this case this may already create some confusion, as it would seem that all projects would move through the “Rejected” stage. In the case where a project is rejected after having been through the “Planning” stage and then archived, the full stage list would still be displayed for this project, even though the project never went through “Development” and “Implementation”.
With the History Stage View, the following stage history would be displayed for the project:
Initiation --> Planning --> Rejected --> Archived
Giving a more actual display of the stage history of the project.
3. Requirements
There are currently no requirements associated with the use of the History view of Stage Gate models.
4. Configuration
Setting the view mode of the Stage Gate model to History mode can be done from the WorkPoint Administration:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- Click the cog-icon in the side panel to access the WorkPoint Administration.
- In the WorkPoint Administration dashboard, click the header of the business module for which the stage gate view should be set.
- Click the "Stage Settings" menu item.
- In the "Stage Settings" page, in the "Stage Rendering Mode" section, click the field and select "History" from the list.
- Click the "Save" button.
In order to view the changes, the WorkPoint 365 Browser Cache must be cleared. This can be done in the following way:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- In the bottom of the side panel, click "Need help?".
- In the newly opened window, click "Clear WorkPoint 365 browser cache".
The History rendering mode of the Stage Gate model should new feature instead of the Full mode.
Please note that each time the rendering mode is changed, the WorkPoint 365 browser cache needs to be cleared in this way.
The result is effectively the showing of the current stage as well as the stage history:
Top panel v1:
Top panel v2:
5. End User Guide
Click here to go to the end user guide article for Stage Management: History Rendering Mode.
6. Notes
Note that each time the rendering mode for the stage gate model is changed, the WorkPoint 365 browser cache must be cleared.
Also note that this feature is only usable with the Modern UI version of WorkPoint.
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