Article last updated on the 5th of July 2021.
1. Video
2. Introduction
3. User Guide
3.1. Search
3.2. Using suggestions
4. Examples
4.1. Journalizing in different locations
5. Notes
1. Video
2. Introduction
The Quick Journalize feature of WorkPoint Express allows users to quickly journalize e-mails from Microsoft Outlook in specified lists on WorkPoint solutions.
The advantage of this feature over simply dragging and dropping an email into a library directly in WorkPoint Express is that other business modules than the active one and the exact entity to journalize to can be easily identified and selected.
3. User Guide
The Quick Journalize feature allows you to search for and select an entity on which to journalize e-mails and attachments. It also allows you to take advantage of Suggestions provided by the WorkPoint system.
In this section, we will exemplify both the search and suggestions functions in the Quick Journalize feature.
3.1. Search
The Quick Journalize function is opened by using the shortcut Control+J, or from the WorkPoint Express ribbon section in Microsoft Outlook:
- With at least one e-mail selected, click the "Quick Journalize" button to open the Quick Journalize window.
Use the keyboard shortcut Control+J to open Quick Journalize.
- The "Items" line shows how many items have been selected from the Outlook mailbox when Quick Journalize was opened.
- Use the checkmarks for each individual email and attachment to select which of them to journalize.
- Use the top checkmark to select or deselect all items in the list of e-mails and attachments.
- In the "Destinations" section, use the top drop down menu to select which business module to journalize the items selected in pt. 3 to.
- Use the second drop down menu to search for the entity in the selected business module to journalize the items selected in pt. 3 to.
- In the search results, select the entity you wish to journalize the selected items to.
- Once the desired e-mails and attachments, as well as a destination have been selected, you can either click "Journalize" to journalize immediately. Another option is to click "Add Destination". This will add the selected destination to the selected items, but not start the journalization process. This allows you to select different destinations for different e-mails and attachments. In the following image, we have selected to journalize some of the e-mails to one project, and some to a different project. We have also selected an entirely different location for the attachments:
- Once the "Add Destination" button is pressed, the selected destination is added to the "Destinations" column of the items. You can add multiple destinations to each e-mail and attachment if they should be journalized multiple places, e.g. on both a project and on a company or client.
- If we click "Journalize" now, items with destinations assigned will be journalized to their respective destinations.
3.2. Using suggestions
The Suggestions feature in Quick Journalize helps users easily and intuitively select the correct location for journalizing e-mails and attachments. When selecting to journalize e-mails using suggestions, the user is presented with a set of options for where to journalize the e-mail.
These suggestions are based on a set of properties. An example of these properties could be where the user have previously journalized e-mails, and from whom those e-mails were sent. The system is also able to return suggestions based on field mapping setups, e.g. Active Field Mappings and return suggestions from entities based on those setups.
These properties are then weighted in order to provide what the system believes are the best suggestions first, i.e. the system presents the suggestions with the highest weight in a descending order.
You can view the suggestions by selecting "Suggestions" in the first drop down menu in the "Destinations" section:
- In the Quick Journalize window, click the first drop down menu in the "Destinations" section and select "Suggetsions".
The "Destinations" section will now show suggestions as to where to journalize the selected e-mail:
The first element is automatically selected, and the list can be navigated using either the mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Destinations can be assigned to the individual e-mails and attachments as described previously, or the journalization process can begin immediately by clicking "Journalize".
4. Examples
4.1. Journalizing in different locations
In this example, we want to journalize the "Development of new Pump"-subject e-mail thread along with the attachments on the "Development of new Pump" project, and the "Data security" and "Additional WorkPoint licenses"-subjected e-mails to the "Quaxo Inc." company.
We start in Microsoft Outlook:
- We start by selecting the e-mails we want to journalize.
We now open Quick Journalize. We can do this by pressing the Control key along with the "J" key on the keyboard. Alternatively, we can click the "Quick Journalize" button in the "Home" ribbon:
This opens the "WorkPoint Express Quick Journalize" window:
- We select the e-mails with the "Development of new Pump" subject, along with the attachments.
- As we want to journalize these e-mails and attachments on the "Development of new Pump" project, in the "Destinations" section, we select the "Projects" business module.
- We then search through the Projects module using the "pump" search keyword.
- Next, we select the "Development of new Pump" project.
- We can see that the selected e-mails and attachments, are going to be journalized in multiple locations on the project; the e-mails will be journalized in the "E-mails" library of the project, and the documents will be journalized in the "Documents" library of the project. The reason for this is that we have set up redirect rules for .msg, .docx, and .pdf files for the Projects business module. Because of this, Quick Journalize knows where to journalize files of different types. You can read more about redirection rules in this article.
- As we have more destinations to assign, we click "Add Destination" to add the destination to the selected e-mails and attachments.
This results in the "Development of new Pump" project destination being added to the "Destinations" column for the selected e-mails and attachments:
We can now add the "Quaxo Inc." company as the destination for the two remaining e-mails:
- We click the top checkmark to uncheck all selected e-mails and attachments.
- We can now select the two remaining e-mails.
- In the "Destinations" section, we select the "Companies" business module.
- We then search for the "quaxo" company.
- We select the Quaxo Inc. company from the search results.
- This time, we get the message that the necessary redirect rules have not been set up for the selected business module (Companies). In this case, we cannot simply select the company entity in the results list, because Quick Journalize has not been told where to journalize e-mails (.msg files). At this point, we can either close Quick Journalize and configure redirect rules for the business module, or we can simply select the library in which the e-mails should be journalized manually:
- We select the "Emails" library of the Quaxo Inc. company.
- We can now see that the warning has disappeared, and the line instead reads that the selected e-mails will be journalized to the "Emails" library.
- We can now click the "Add Destination" button.
This adds the "Emails" library of the Quaxo Inc. company as destination for the two remaining e-mails, and updates the list of e-mails and attachments accordingly:
- All e-mails and attachments now have destinations to be journalized to, and we can click the "Journalize" button to start the process.
The system now journalizes the e-mails and attachments. The progress can be inspected in the bottom of the Quick Journalize window:
Once completed, Quick Journalize closes and we can see the results in the respective libraries where the e-mails and attachments was set to be journalized:
5. Notes
5.1. Affecting suggestions for journalizing
The suggestions provided by the WorkPoint system when using the Suggestion engine in Quick Journalize can be affected by settings as well as behaviors by users.
Entities can be suggested based on field-mappings, such that entities marked as "Active" and which are defined as a user's entity (related to "My entities" mappings) are shown as suggestions. To read more about field mapping, visit this article.
Suggestions can also be based on where the user have previously journalized e-mails and items. These suggestions are show locations where e-mails have the same sender or receiver as the e-mail being journalized.
The order in which suggestions are presented depends on the weight of the suggestion according to the following:
- How long time has passed since the previous journalization - The shorter the time, the higher the weight.
- How many e-mails are journalized on the location - the more e-mails journalized, the higher the weight.
- Have previous e-mails on the location been journalized manually - the users' own manual journalizations are weighted higher than other people's manual journalizations.
Note that for suggestions based on previous journalizations, the system looks at the entire e-mail address of the senders and receivers(internal users and e-mail addresses excluded). Therefore, these suggestions will kick in only when e-mails have been sent or received from specific e-mail addresses.
How the system weighs field-mappings and previously manually journalized e-mails can be adjusted in the WorkPoint Express settings by moving the following sliders:
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