Article last updated on the 15th of February 2022.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3.1. Adding a Lock Entity action
3.2. Adding triggers
3.3. Creating a button for the Lock Entity trigger
4.1. Declaring entity as record
1. Introduction
Declaring an entity as a record is one way to effectively lock an entity and disabling editing the entity, documents and items located on the entity. This can technically also be done by removing add/edit/delete permissions from the entity, but this makes it difficult to restore access at a later time if necessary. The advantage of declaring or undeclaring an entity as record is that access can easily be restored simply by undeclaring the entity as record.
Declaring and undeclaring entities as records can be done using the Action Management feature using the "Lock" and "Unlock" actions.
2. Requirements
Declaring/undeclaring as record is part of the Action Management feature, which requires an Action Management license. Please contact WorkPoint Sales at for more information about how to acquire an Action Management license.
3. Configuration
Configuring the "lock" and "Unlock" actions which enables declaring and undeclaring entities as records can be done through action management:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- Click the cog icon to access the WorkPoint Administration.
- In the WorkPoint Administration, click the header of the business module which entities you wish to be able to declare and undeclare as records.
- Click the "Action Management" menu item.
3.1. Adding a Lock Entity action
Please note that the following sections describe the process of setting up a lock entity action which works with record management as well as a trigger to activate the action. The same procedure can be used to set up an unlock entity action and an associated trigger.
- In the "Actions" section, click the drop down menu and select "Lock Entity Action".
- With the "Lock Entity Action" selected, click the "Add" button.
The "Add Unlock Entity" action can be used to unlock entities which have been locked using the lock entity action with Record management.
- Give the Lock Entity action a name.
- the action can be set either active or inactive. In this example, the action is left active.
- Select "Record" for Entity lock type.
3.2. Adding triggers
Actions need to be combined with a trigger, which starts the action. Actions can be set up to trigger when an entity is created, when an entity's stage is changed, or manually by pressing a button. In this case, we will use a button to trigger the "Lock Entity" action we created in section 3.1.
- In the "Action Triggers" section, click the drop down menu and select "Manual Trigger".
- With the "Manual Trigger" selected, click the "Add" button.
- Give the action trigger a title.
- Select which permission level is required for using this trigger. Options are "require read permissions on entity" and "Require edit permissions on entity".
- Click the empty field for "Actions".
- Select the Lock Entity action which was created in pt. 3.1.
- Click the "Add" button to the right of the "Actions" field.
The interface now looks like in the following image:
- Click the "Add" button in the bottom of the window.
3.3. Creating a button for the Lock Entity trigger
With a manual trigger, we require a button which the user can press to activate the trigger, and thereby the Lock Entity action. For this purpose we will create a button in the My Tools panel:
- In the WorkPoint Administration, click the "My Tools" button in the left side panel.
- In the My Tools settings page, select which business module the button should be set up for. The button will show up on every entity of the selected entity.
- Click the header of the group in which the button should be nested. In this case, the button is to be located in the "Actions" group.
- Click the "Add button" button.
- Provide a title for the button.
- Optionally create a translation for the button by clicking the "Localize (0)" text.
- Select an icon for the button. WorkPoint provides a set of standard icons, but a link to an icon from the web can be inserted as well.
- For "Type", select "Manual Trigger".
- For "Trigger" select the Lock Entity trigger created in section 3.2 of this article.
- Click the "Save" button.
In order to use the button created, the WorkPoint 365 Browser Cache needs to be cleared:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- In the bottom of the side panel, click "Need help?".
- Click "Clear WorkPoint 365 browser cache".
The button now appears in entity sites of the business module for which it was set up:
3.4. Enabling In-place Record Management
Enabling or disabling In-place Record Management can be done on both the Site Collection level and the library level.
This example shows how to enable In-place Record Management on the Site Collection level and then enabling it on a library:
- On the Home page of the solution, click the Settings icon.
- From the Settings menu, click "Site information".
- In the newly opened side panel, click "View all site settings".
- From the list of Site Settings, in the "Site Collection Administration" section, click "Site collection features".
- For the "In Place Records Management" item, click the "Activate" button.
The item should now have a blue "Active" label:
If utilizing the One-site-collection-per-entity architecture, a Site Collection Synchronization can be used to roll out this setting to all site collections.
Once In Place Record Management has been activated, a new button appears in all library settings pages called "Record declaration settings":
Clicking "Record declaration settings" opens the following page:
On the page above, the option "Always allow the manual declaration of records" must be active. If it is not, set it active and click the "OK" button.
4. End user guide
4.1. Declaring entity as record
Consider the following documents library on the "Design of Bike0114" entity on the Projects module of this solution:
- The documents library contains a test document, which is fully editable, provided the user has the permission required.
- Clicking the button created in pt. 3.3. will declare the entity as a record, and lock editing of documents and items located on the entity.
The following window appears when the button is clicked:
Please allow WorkPoint a few seconds to complete the lock entity job.
Once the entity is declared as record, the documents in the documents library lets the user know that they are locked for editing:
- Hovering over a locked document shows the file icon with a padlock to indicate that the document is locked for editing.
- The "System Account checked out this item" text is another indication that the document is locked.
Furthermore, the documents overview shows a "Checked out" icon for each document and item that is checked out:
Additionally, an e-mail notification is sent to let the user know that the entity has been locked.
4.2. Undeclaring entity as record
Consider the following documents library:
The document in the documents library is currently locked for editing, which has been done by declaring it as record.
Undeclaring an entity as record, effectively re-opening up items for editing, works in almost the same way as in pt. 4.1. In this case, we have set up a button for a manual trigger, which triggers an Unlock Entity action:
- Clicking the "Unlock Entity" button rolls back the lock on items on the entity, effectively re-opening the entity for editing. The following window is displayed:
Please allow the WorkPoint System a few seconds to complete the job. Upon completion, the documents are now open for editing. The padlock is gone from the file icon, and the document is no longer displayed as "Checked out":
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