Article last updated on the 7th of November, 2022.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3.1. Creating a button for the My Tools panel
3.2. Clearing the WorkPoint 365 browser cache
3.4. Using target audience for My Tools buttons
1. Introduction
The My Tools panel in WorkPoint is located in the top right section of a WorkPoint page (see the red box):
The My Tools panel can be outfitted with customized buttons to perform relevant actions on the current page. If working on e.g. a Projects business module which entities refer to individual projects which utilizes some stage model, a button for changing stage of the entity can be set up and put in the My Tools panel for easy access.
In the case from the image above, two buttons are located in the My Tools panel; the Edit, and the Delete buttons. The "All Actions" drop down menu displays all buttons from the My Tools panel, as well as other standard actions, such as creation actions for documents and events, as well as an option to upload documents.
From WorkPoint 365 4.0 and forward, it is possible to specify the visibility of buttons based on Azure Active Directory groups using target audience.
2. Requirements
No license is required for using the My Tools panel in WorkPoint.
3. Configuration
Configuration of the My Tools panel is done from the WorkPoint Administration:
- On the WorkPoint solution, click the "Home" button.
- Click the cog icon in the bottom of the side panel to access the WorkPoint Administration.
- In the left side panel of the WorkPoint Administration, click "My Tools".
This opens the configuration page for the My Tools panel:
3.1. Creating a button for the My Tools panel
Creating a button for the My Tools panel can be done in the following way:
- For "Select instance", select the business module who's entities should contain the button in the My Tools panel. In this case, we are going to add a button for changing the stage of a project. Projects are stored on the "Projects" business module, thus the "Projects" business module is selected. If you want to set up a button
- Select which group to place the button in. Buttons put in the "Actions" group are placed on the panel itself. Alternatively, a new group can be created by clicking the "Add group" button.
- When a group is selected, you can rename it using the Title field.
- Click the "Add button" to add the new button.
- The button is located in the selected group. In this case, the "Actions" group was selected.
- Provide a name for the button.
- Select an icon for the button. WorkPoint provides a set of default icons for you to use. Alternatively, a link to an image can be inserted and used.
- For "Type" select "Open wizard". Alternatives are:
- New business module entity
- Customized action
- New item on the root site
- New item on the parent site
- New item on project sites
- Current item action
- Link. Links can be used simply to navigate to other locations based on the entered URL. The URL can include internal WorkPoint fields using brackets. This means that using the URL "https:\\[wpProjectID]" would navigate the user to another system, using the Project ID as a parameter to locate a specific site in the other system. Assuming the Project IDs for a project is the same in WorkPoint and the other system, this makes integration between the two systems quick and easy. Another example could be the link "tel:[wpCustomerPhone]" where the wpCustomerPhone field contains the phone number of a customer. The My Tools button would open your favorite application capable of performing phone calls (e.g., Microsoft Teams) and call the number registered in the field.
- Manual Trigger (e.g. for executing an action from Action Management)
- Toggle favorite
- Toggle follow
- In the "Target audience" field, you can specify a group from your Azure Active Directory. Only the members of this group will be able to see and use the button. (This option is available from WorkPoint version 4 and forward).
- Select the name of the wizard to open. Wizards can be created using the Wizard configurator. Follow this link for more information.
- To save the button, click the "Save" button.
3.2. Clearing the WorkPoint 365 browser cache
In order to use any buttons or groups created for the My Tools panel, the WorkPoint 365 browser cache needs to be cleared.
Clearing the WorkPoint 365 browser cache can be done in the following way:
- Click the "Home" button of the solution.
- In the bottom of the side panel, click "Need help?".
- Click "Clear WorkPoint 365 browser cache".
The button created in pt. 3.1 can now be used on sites containing the button:
3.3. Using Customized Actions
It is possible, both in the Modern UI and Classic UI versions of WorkPoint, to use Customized Actions, which run custom JavaScripts.
Note that it is not possible to run JavaScripts for Classic UI in Modern UI due to elevated security measures.
The following is an example of a customized action using a JavaScript.
The following JavaScript is used for this example:
var apiPackage = arguments[0];
var entity = apiPackage.entity;
var sharePointContext = apiPackage.sharePointContext;
var workPointContext = apiPackage.workPointContext;
// The base Url to go to
var newFormUrl = workPointContext.solutionAbsoluteUrl + "/Lists/Opgaver/NewForm.aspx?selectedid=" +;
// Add the redirect Url
newFormUrl = newFormUrl + "&Source=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
// Go to the new form
window.location.href = newFormUrl;
Using the provided api package, which is accessible with the "var apiPackage = arguments[0];" line, the following data can be extracted from WorkPoint, using JavaScript:
entity: { // Denne property eksisterer kun hvis man er på en entitets side
id: 2, // Denne entitets id
listId: "4c0799f5-8fec-4715-ae59-b15d5c4f40af", // This entity's business module list id
title: "Honda", // This entity's title
webRelativeUrl: "/sites/mgudevapp2/Company2", // This entity's relative URL, eg.: "/sites/Project1"
effectiveBasePermissions: { // The current user's permissions on this entity
High: "2147483647",
Low: "4294967295"
parentId: 2 // Same as "id" but for the parent entity, if one exists
parentListId: "4c0799f5-8fec-4715-ae59-b15d5c4f40af" // Same as "listID" but for the parent for this entity if one exists
sharePointContext: {
web: {
absoluteUrl: "",
relativeUrl: "/sites/mgudevapp2/Company2"
site: {
absoluteUrl: "",
relativeUrl: "/sites/mgudevapp2"
workPointContext: {
solutionAbsoluteUrl: "", // Absolute path to WorkPoint solution root, e.g.: "https://minlø",
solutionRelativeUrl: "/sites/mgudevapp2", // Relative path to WorkPoint root, eg.: "/sites/workpoint"
appLaunchUrl: "https://localhost:44300", // URL for starting Wizards
appWebFullUrl: "" // The full app web URL for WorkPoint
Please note that
- "webRelativeUrl" only exists if the entity has a site.
- "parentId" only exists if the entity has a parent.
- "parentListId" only exists if the entity has a parent.
3.4. Using target audience for My Tools buttons
Using target audience for My Tools buttons you can specify which users can see and use which buttons in the My Tools panel.
Target audience works by defining an Azure Active Directory group in the "Target audience" field of a My Tools button. Only the members of the Active Directory group will be able to see and use the button in the My Tools panel.
In the following example, we have created an Azure Active Directory group called "Project Managers" and specified that group as target audience for a button which opens the "Change Stage" wizard on sites on the Projects business module:
For people assigned to the "Project Managers" group, the button will be visible in the My Tools panel:
If a user is not member of the "Project Managers" group, they will not be able to see the button:
Note that WorkPoint caches the memberships of Active Directory groups for three days. This means that if memberships of groups used for target audiences for My Tools buttons change, the users affected by the change (the people being removed from or added to the Active Directory group) need to manually clear their WorkPoint 365 browser cache.
3.5. My Tools button on Lists/libraries
From WorkPoint 365 version 4 and up, it is possible to set up My Tools buttons on lists and libraries. These buttons are accessed from the command bar on a list or library, under the "Send to" button.
My Tools buttons on lists and libraries are limited to opening wizards or WorkPoint Automate processes.
They are configured in the following way:
- When setting up a My Tools button, select the business module and list/library on which the button should be accessible. In this instance, we want to set up a button on Documents library on the Cases module.
- Create a group and a button and configure the button to your liking.
In this instance, we want to configure the button to run a WorkPoint Automate User Process called "Redact and mark confidential". We therefore configure the button as follows:
- We give the button a title and an icon.
- In "Type", we select "User Process". The only other option is "Open wizard".
- In "Process", we select the "Redact and mark confidential" process.
Once the button is saved and the WorkPoint 365 cache has been cleared, we can find the button in the Documents library of cases by selecting a document, and clicking "Send to":
4. End user guide
Click here to go to the end user guide article for My Tools.
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