Article published on the 18th of January 2022.
1. Introduction
The "Combine file(s) in PDF" feature can be used to combine multiple files into a PDF document. The documents selected to be combined into a PDF file will be concatenated with the content of one file following the next, and so on. This makes is easier to make files ready for external distribution directly from WorkPoint instead of having to export documents from WorkPoint to e.g. local drives and then distribute the content from there.
the following file types are supported for this feature: ASPX, CSS, DOC, DOCM, DOCX, DOT, DOTM, DOTX, EML, HTM, HTML, JS, MPP, MPT, MSG, POTX, PPT, PPTM, PPTX, REG, RTF, SQL, TXT, VSD, VSDX, XAML, XLS, XLSB, XLSM, XLSX, XLT, XLTM, XLTX, XML, XPS, XSD, XSL.
2. Requirements
This feature requires the Wizard Management license. If this license is not part of your solution, contact WorkPoint Support at
Additionally, this feature works only in the Modern UI version of WorkPoint.
3. Configuration
Configuring the Wizard to combine files in a PDF file can be done from the Wizard Configurator in the WorkPoint Administration:
- On the WorkPoint solution, click the "Home" button.
- Click the cog icon to access the WorkPoint Administration.
- In the WorkPoint Administration, in the left side menu, click "Wizard Configurator".
- In the bottom of the Wizard Configurator page, click "Add wizard configuration".
The wizard to combine files to PDF needs to be set up as follows:
- Provide a name title for the Wizard. This should include some information about that the wizard does.
- Optionally add a translation for the title.
- Add a description for the wizard. This should, like the title, describe what the wizard does.
- Optionally add a translation for the description.
- The "Enabled" checker should be checked ON.
- If you wish to be able to run the wizard from the command bar, the "Enabled for Command bar" checker should be checked ON.
- The flow required for this wizard is the "Copy documents" flow.
- For "Parameters", add the "Enable PDF Output" parameter by selecting it in the drop-down menu and clicking the green "Add" button.
Optionally, in addition to the "Enable PDF output" parameter, the "PDF formats" parameter can be added in the same way. This parameter allows the administrator to select from multiple PDF formats, will then become available as output formats. The following image displays the selector for PDF formats for the parameter:
- Once the configuration is complete, click the "Save" button.
The wizard should now appear as the last wizard configuration in the Wizard Configurator page:
Before the Wizard can be used from the command bar of a document library, the WorkPoint 365 Browser Cache needs to be cleared:
- On the WorkPoint solution, click the "Home" button.
- In the bottom of the side panel, click "Need help?"
- Click "Clear WorkPoint 365 browser cache".
This concludes the configuration of the Wizard to combine files into a PDF.
4. End User Guide
Click here to go to the end user guide article for Convert/Combine file(s) to PDF.
5. Notes
Note that the maximum size of the final PDF file is 10GB, as this is the file size limit of SharePoint Online.
5.1. Supported PDF output formats
The following PDF formats are supported output formats with the Convert/Combine in PDF wizard:
- PDF v1.3
- PDF v1.4
- PDF v1.5
- PDF v1.6
- PDF v1.7
- PDFX 3
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