These release notes cover the new features and various improvements in WorkPoint 365 version 3.11.0, which was released to Release Candidate the 8th of July 2021, and released for general availability on the 19th of August, 2021 at approx. 19:00 CET.
New Features
Preview of new Top Panel in WorkPoint 365
WorkPoint is now introducing a new version of our Top Panel to WorkPoint 365 solutions. The new Top Panel is structured and designed significantly differently than the current Top Panel, and it offers extended options for tailoring and configuring the look and content to the customers' requirements. This includes not only the area showing entity details, but also the stage band showing the stage model of the entity.
A key difference is how the user accesses the Top Panel and how it affects the layout of the WorkPoint site. The new Top Panel is by default hidden and must be clicked. This affects how the user experiences the site layout. As the new Top Panel lays over the site when clicked, it prevents the "page jumping" that some customers can experience when loading WorkPoint sites with the existing Top Panel.
A key feature of the new Top Panel is also that it's possible to combine with adaptive cards for the customers which have the "Entity Presentation" feature.
For customers that would like the new Top Panel or the stage band always visible, WorkPoint has made it possible to have either displayed as a webpart.
The new Top Panel will not be forced out to existing solutions but become available as an option. For new solutions, the standard layout of the Top Panel will be the new design but with the option of reverting back to the current if required.
For more information about the new Top Panel, visit the updated article on how to set up the Top Panel in WorkPoint 365.
Rule-based master site synchronization
The WorkPoint Master Site Synchronization engine allows customers to have a uniform structure to the sites in their modules. But sometimes customers can require to have different master sites for different entities in the same modules. An example could be having large and small projects in the same "Projects" module.
Previously, we made it possible to have multiple stage models in the same module, so the customers can assign different stage models to their different projects. And now we're extending our Master Site Synchronization engine to also support having different elements available and synchronized out based on rules related to information about the entity - such as the project size or type.
Explore about this new feature in this article.
WorkPoint App Builder for Microsoft Teams
WorkPoint App Builder is a no-code tool for building customized WorkPoint apps which bring WorkPoint functionalities into Teams. Once an app has been built, it can be deployed either for single users or across the entire organization via the Microsoft Teams administration.
By having a customized WorkPoint app directly in Teams, users don’t have to switch between interfaces when they have to access their WorkPoint 365 solution. Apps can be built to match entire organizations or specific departments or business areas.
The WorkPoint App Builder is an app in itself that can be installed directly in the Teams client. Here apps can be built, updated and downloaded for further distribution into the organization.
You can read more about the WorkPoint App Builder in this article.
Last Activity Date
We have now made it possible to enable a "last activity date" on entities in WorkPoint. The activity date will reflect changes and updates to the entity itself or any documents or items on the entity - such as changes to tasks on a project. This setting is enabled in the Aggregation settings per business module.
You can read more about this feature in this article.
Improvements and bugfixes
In this release, we're introducing a number of improvements to our Master Site Synchronization engine among other areas. Explore the new options here:
- The WorkPoint Master Site Synchronization now supports Microsoft Retention Labels, which customers can use to ensure that they remain compliant to GDPR and their retention policies.
- It's now possible to include Audience Targeting in Master Site Synchronization. This can be used to control if only selected user groups should be allowed to view specific menu elements or pages.
- SharePoint offers various formatting options for lists, and these formats can now be included the the Master Site and synchronized out to all entities within the scope. This makes it possible to roll-out vibrate and informative colour codes for lists.
- Site-level sharing settings can now be included in Master Site Synchronization.
- Both the Master Site Synchronization and the Site Collection Synchronization can now replicate web header settings.
- The SharePoint-native Social Bar feature can now be included in Master Site Synchronization.
- When sending documents using the "Send to" function, the current user is now included as a requester along with the document.
- Application Insights now logs helpful information when initializing a webpart or extension.
- Settings for "Top Panel", "My Tools", "Navigation Menu", and "Theme" have been grouped under the "User Experience" tab in the left side menu of the WorkPoint 365 Administration.
- When enabling Duplicate Check, clearing the WorkPoint 365 browser cache now updates the related wizard(s) correctly.
- Modern UI Application Insights no longer logs the "User Principal Name".
- Fixed a bug which caused an error when using Mail Merge with the message "The property or field 'Url' has not been initialized".
- Fixed an issue caused by having multiple security permission levels of the same type.
- Fixed an issue where the Lock Entity action would fail i using Permission lock.
- Fixed an issue where links to entities in the WorkPoint List View webpart did not work.
- Fixed an issue where Site Collection Provisioning jobs would fail due to input string being in an incorrect format.
- Fixed an issue where the advanced document wizard would load slowly due to either a large amount of templates combined with many values set in the template set/template category fields.
- Fixed an issue where Security Replication jobs would sometimes report incorrect completion/error results.
- Fixed an issue where the Security Replication job would fail when trying to add a deleted user to an Office 365 group.
- Fixed an issue where synchronization of Microsoft Teams channels would fail if a tab pointed to an invalid Microsoft Power App.
- Fixed an issue where documents found using the Advanced Search webpart could not be opened.
- Fixed an issue where Master Site Synchronization of Quick Launch navigation notes with internal SharePoint links were not synchronized correctly if the node did not point to a list.
- Fixed an issue where WorkPoint sites would sometimes fail to be created correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the setting for enabling/disabling the Quick Launch navigation menu could not be synchronized out from Master Sites.
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