1. Introduction
2. Offboarding
2.1. Remove all scheduled jobs in WorkPoint 365
2.2. Remove all Event Receivers
2.3. Removing the WorkPoint App from WorkPoint root site collections
2.4. Removing Modern UI app from tenant app catalog
2.5. Removing WorkPoint App deployment from tenant app catalog
2.6. Remove API Access approvals
1. Introduction
This article describes how to uninstall WorkPoint components and permissions related to the offboarding process.
The guide takes you through a series of steps which must be completed in order to ensure that your system, among other actions, no longer calls the WorkPoint API or uses the WorkPoint App.
Note that you should perform the following steps in sequence.
2. Offboarding
This section describes the various steps of the offboarding process.
2.1. Remove all scheduled jobs in WorkPoint 365
The first step in offboarding is to delete all scheduled jobs in WorkPoint365.
You can do so by following these steps:
- In the left side menu of the WorkPoint Administration, click "Scheduled Jobs".
- For each scheduled job, click "Edit".
- To delete the scheduled job, click the "Delete" button.
When there are no scheduled jobs left in the administration page, you can proceed to the next step in this article.
2.2. Remove all Event Receivers
Removing event receivers is a task only WorkPoint employees can perform. Please contact WorkPoint support at for more information.
Once the event receivers have been removed, you can proceed to the next step in this article.
2.3. Removing the WorkPoint App from WorkPoint root site collections
The next step in the uninstallation process is to remove the WorkPoint App from your WorkPoint solution(s) root site collection(s).
Note that if you have multiple WorkPoint solutions, you will need to perform the following steps for each solution's root site collection.
We begin in the SharePoint Administration Center:
- In the SharePoint Administration Center, expand the "Sites" section in the left side menu and click "Active sites".
- Perform a search for the name of your WorkPoint solution. In this case, our solution is called "wp365casemanagement".
- Find the search result called "Home" and click the associated URL to access the root site of that WorkPoint solution.
- On the root site of the WorkPoint solution, click the "Settings" icon.
- In the Settings menu, click "Site contents".
- In the Site contents page, click the three dots of the WorkPoint App (NOT the shared version) and click "REMOVE".
- Confirm that you want to remove the app by clicking the "OK" button in the pop-up window.
The WorkPoint App (and also the shared version) should now be gone from the Site contents page:
2.4. Removing Modern UI app from tenant app catalog
In this step, we will remove the WorkPoint App deployment from the tenant app catalog.
Begin my going to your SharePoint Administration Center, which you can find by going to the following URL:
https://[tenant name]
Remember to substitute [tenant name] with your tenant name. Here is an example of a URL using the tenant name "calperIT":
- In the left side menu of the SharePoint Administration Center, click "More features".
- In the "More features" page, in the "Apps" section, click "Open".
- In the "Apps" page, click "App Catalog".
- On the App Catalog site, click "Apps for SharePoint.
- Select the WorkPoint 365 Modern UI app.
- Click the menu dialog for the app.
- Click the "More actions" menu.
- Click "Delete".
- Click "OK" to delete the WorkPoint 365 Modern UI app from the App Catalog.
2.5. Removing WorkPoint App deployment from tenant app catalog
In this step, we will remove the WorkPoint App deployment from the tenant app catalog.
Begin my going to your SharePoint Administration Center, which you can find by going to the following URL:
https://[tenant name]
Remember to substitute [tenant name] with your tenant name. Here is an example of a URL using the tenant name "calperIT":
- In the left side menu of the SharePoint Administration Center, click "More features".
- In the "More features" page, in the "Apps" section, click "Open".
- In the "Apps" page, click "App Catalog".
- On the App Catalog site, click "Site contents".
- For your WorkPoint App, click the three dots.
- In the pop-up window, click "Deployment".
- In the "Managed Paths" section, in the "Managed paths to deploy to" window, click "Sites" and click the "Remove" button.
"Sites" should now be located in the "Available managed paths" window instead, as shown in the following image:
We can now save the settings:
- In the bottom of the page, click the "OK" button.
2.6. Remove API Access approvals
Next, we will remove the WorkPoint related API access approvals from the SharePoint Administration Center:
- In the SharePoint Administration Center, expand the "Advanced" section of the left side menu and click "API access".
- For each approved WorkPoint related API, select them and click "Remove access".
Note that, if the "Microsoft Graph" API access permissions are not used by any other parties, you should remove these as well.
2.7. Removing Modern UI App from tenant app catalog
Next, we will remove the Modern UI app from the tenant app catalog:
- In the left side menu of the SharePoint Administration Center, click "More features".
- In the "More features" page, under "Apps" click "Open".
- In the "Apps" page, click "App Catalog".
2.8. Removing consents in Azure Active Directory
Lastly, we will remove all consents for WorkPoint in the Azure Active Directory administration center.
You can go to the Azure Active Directory administration center by following this link:
Then follow these instructions:
Note that you will need to perform the steps in this sector for all WorkPoint related items in the Enterprise applications section of the Azure Active Directory administration center.
- In the Azure Active Directory administration center, in the left side menu, click "Enterprise applications".
- Click a WorkPoint related item in the list of Enterprise applications.
- In the left side menu of the enterprise application, click "Properties".
- In the Properties page, click "Delete".
- Confirm the deletion of the enterprise application consent by clicking the "Yes" button.
The consent should now be gone from the list of enterprise applications:
Note that you must perform these steps for each and every WorkPoint related enterprise application in the list.
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