The behaviour of WorkPoint Express (WPE) is controlled by the settings. Some of these are managed by the users, some are managed by system administrators. Below is a guide to the usage.
To get to the settings. go to WPE and click on the three dots at the top. From here select "Settings".

The settings page will look somewhat like this.
- Navigation tabs
- Individual connections to WorkPoint or SharePoint solutions. This list will most often be empty. Here you can set up connections to different solutions using the buttons below
- Checking this box will display solutions common to all users - often there will be just one site, which would be the WorkPoint solution for your organisation
- Buttons for setting up more connections
Clicking the "behaviour" tab and you will see this:
- Opens WPE when Outlook starts. Uncheck this and WPE is closed and pushed to the right
- This opens WPE in windows such as emails - i.e. when you create a new mail, WPE sidebar opens in the mail window.
- When you want to see properties (e.g. on a document), you can have it displayed in WPE or in a separate pop up window.
- If you often need to edit properties you can check this so properties always are displayed when you select an item, e.g. a document. It will grey out if 3 is checked.
- If you have more views than on document lists, this setting determines whether default view always is displayed first.
- When opening WorkPoint Express in for example an email window, this setting determines how it opens. If it is unchecked, both entity and detail window in WorkPoint Express is open, if checked the entity detail window is hidden.
- When adding a document list or folder as a favourite, this setting will display the path to the folder in reverse (e.g. Folder 3 - Folder 2 -Folder 1 - Documents)
- When you drag and drop an email to WPE, it will by default create a copy. If this checkbox is checked, it will be moved to WPE (hence deleted from your inbox).
- This setting applies to Email Manager:
- Force the use of WebDAV technology for edit document. As it is old technology do only use this if you have to. WorkPoint does not provide support for this.
- This setting determines what happens when you double click on a document in WPE.
- This setting determines if the property window should open after upload of a document to a document list.
- This setting determines if the property window should open after upload of an email to an email list.
- This setting applies to Email Manager: It determines if the Email Manager property window should open after upload of an email.
- By default SharePoint overwrites created date when a document is uploaded to SharePoint. This setting allows for setting created and modified properties on uploaded documents to preserve the original created date. More information here.
- Chooses the language of WPE - "Default" selects the MS Office language in use.
- This setting opens a pop up after an email is sent. The floating pop up makes it easier to drag and drop the sent email to WPE. Alternatively you must find the email in your "sent items" folder to journalise it.
- When 17 is selected, you can also drag documents to the related document list via the pop-up window using this setting.
- Tags emails in your inbox when they are journalised in WorkPoint.
- Determines the speed the content loads in WPE when connected to SharePoint.
- as 20, when connected to WorkPoint Server (on-premise).
- as 20 when connected to WorkPoint365.
- When selected this setting hides any lists on the site that are not present in the WorkPoint tab web part.
This tab is where you can manage the behaviour of the WorkPoint modules.
- Click the solution you want to manage
- Check the business modules you want displayed in WPE and change the order of appeareance.
- For each business module check what to show and whether the content should be expanded or not and change the order of appeareance.
This setting applies to Email Manager. The system can provide suggestions for where an email should be journalised. You can adjust the suggestions weight here. Note: Only for WorkPoint On-premises, not supported in WorkPoint365.
This setting manages the connection to the WPE datastore.
Settings on the system page is mainly for administrators and configurators and require system knowledge.
- Access control tab is used to set the access rights for the WorkPoint Express System Settings via an Active Directory Group. Members of the selected group can also register SharePoint sites accessible for all users.
- Here you can determine and map the fields on the email lists on the sites. Map the email fields to the fields in SharePoint (WorkPoint).
- Same as 2, but for Outlook contact cards, allowing the user to drag and drop contact cards to create WorkPoint contacts.
- Smart file handling allows large files to be streamed to a network drive instead of stored in the database.
- Use this setting to create smart custom links to use when right-clicking on a business module site.
- For use when integrating WPE into Dynamics NAV or AX
- The system administrator can manage the users selections on "Behaviour" tab (see above) by locking or unlocking settings on this page
- Miscellaneous contains various system settings, see below
- These settings are for Email Manager. The settings "Show auto journalize allowed toggle button" and "Show all e-mails button" are determining if these buttons should be displayed in "E-mail Overview". For "Show all e-mails button" you can with "Only for members of Active Directory group" settings control access to the button.
- These settings are for Email Manager. "Smart journalization after sent" activates the feature. If this mail is a reply to a mail (parent) and the parent is journalized in EMM, then this feature will journalize the mail the same place as the parent. "Number of lines shown in the journals row" sets the amount of lines displayed in the journal view in the emails. "Ask for archiving e-mails with bcc addresses after sent" allows Email Manager to store emails sent to bcc recipients (hence reveals bcc email addresses).
- Selfexplanatory. Value for "Maximum number of items shown in document list" must be between 10 and 100. Value for "Journal Page Size" must be between 10 and 10000. Value for "Maximum number of e-mails shown in search all journals" must between 10 and 1000.
- This setting is used when a solution contains lists with many lookup fields. These can slow performance. Set the value as high as possible. If the value is set too high, the system will be unable to retrieve the list.
- This setting controls the interface for SharePoint managed metadata. If a managed metadata field contains a lot of values, a flat view is recommended for better performance. When using a flat view, the user must type in a search to retrieve metadata. If a flat view is not used, metadata terms will be displayed in a tree structure.
- These settings controls the system timeout. Only to use if some system service starts responding very slowly.
- This setting is only relevant if WorkPoint Journalize flag is installed. The setting controls how often the flags are updated. Generally the higher value the lesser stress on the system.
- This setting is used when you have root sites common for all users. The setting can filter user access, so only users that are members of a certain Azure AD group can access the root site in question. To do this, the URL to the Active Directory i Azure must be set here.
- Check this to use uri schemes for opening MS Office documents. This is recommended.
- These settings are made for optimizing performance when uploading documents. If de-selected, upload performance is increased.
When checking "Set title", uploaded documents will have the metadata "Title" set by the system. "Preserve version number" is only relevant when uploading to document lists with version control activated. This setting will maintain correct versioning when uploading documents. If it is unchecked, the version will jump two numbers when uploading, provided there is versioning enabled on the list and other metadata are set during uploads.
WorkPoint Express feature White List
WorkPoint Express supports a wide range of functionalities. These are listed in the following list:
- supports toggling automatically showing sidebar when Outlook starts up
- supports toggling automatically showing sidebar in inspector windows
- supports showing properties in separate window
- supports automatically showing properties when an item is selected
- supports showing default view as starting point for document lists
- supports showing default view as starting point for email lists
- supports opening detail view in inspector windows
- supports showing paths reversed
- supports moving dropped e-mails from Outlook as default
- supports removing pending status after journalization as default
- supports various functions when double clicking a document (Open (read only), Open (edit), Ask (default read only), Ask (default edit))
- supports various functions for setting properties when uploading to document list (Always, Never, When the default content type has required fields)
- supports various functions for setting properties when uploading to email list (Always, Never, When the default content type has required fields)
- supports various functions for setting metadata after upload to Email Manager (Always, Never)
- supports various functions for setting timestamps after document upload for WorkPoint Server (Always, Never, Ask)
- supports setting the display language (Default, English, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Icelandic)
E-mail Journalization
- supports journalizing e-mails after send
- supports extracting attachments from e-mail after journalization
- supports setting journalized flag and changing flag color
- supports various settings for SharePoint search tree fast loading (Do not use, Use without folders, Use with folders)
- supports various settings for WorkPoint search tree fast loading (Do not use, Use without folders, Use with folders)
- supports various settings for WorkPoint 365 search tree fast loading (Do not use, Use without folders, Use with folders)
WorkPoint search tree
- supports using tab settings (only for WorkPoint 365)
- supports using browser search (only for WorkPoint 365) This feature is in preview state
Send E-mail (requires WorkPoint)
- supports setting the following to contributors:
- Contacts
- E-mail field mappings
- Relations
- User fields
- Include created by
- Include modified by
- supports various settings for automatically journalizing after send from entity (Not activated, Activated, Activated (ask for confirmation))
Search tree configuration
- supports setting search tree elements per business module per site
E-mail list configuration
- supports setting internal field names per content type
- supports various settings for E-mail upload behavior to document lists (Allow e-mail upload, Do not allow e-mail upload, Ask for confirmation before e-mail upload)
- supports various settings for upload behavior to e-mail lists (Show all file types, Restrict to e-mails)
User Interface
- supports toggling showing the auto journalize allowed button
- supports toggling showing all e-mails button
- supports toggling showing record declaration in context menu
- supports toggling showing open in File Explorer in context menu
- supports toggling showing sync with OneDrive in context menu
- supports setting a quick journalize shortcut key
- supports various settings for preferred entity property dialog (Wizard, Express)
- supports various settings for preferred create entity dialog (Wizard, Express)
Email Manager
- supports various settings for smart journalization after sent (Not activated, Activated, Activated (ask for journal))
- supports setting a number of lines shown in the journals row (from 1 to 8 lines)
- supports toggling asking for archiving e-mails with bcc addresses after sent
- supports setting limitations for;
- Maximum number of items shown in document list
- Maximum number of items shown in WorkPoint search tree
- Journal page size (Email Manager)
- Maximum number of e-mails shown in search all journals (Email Manager)
- supports adding urls to Ignore list
Resource Throttling
- supports various settings for List view lookup threshold (from 1 to 100)
- supports setting timeout values for;
- Default timeout (seconds)
- Journalize Flag Timeout (seconds)
Journalize Flag
- supports setting update interval (seconds)
- support setting URL string of Active Directory
- supports toggling opening and editing Microsoft Office documents using uri schemes
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