1. Introduction
2. Accessing the Behaviour tab
3. Sections
3.1. General
3.2. Language
3.4. Performance
1. Introduction
The "Behaviour" tab in WorkPoint Express settings is quite elaborate and it can be difficult to decipher what some of the settings are used for. This article aims to give a quick explanation about each setting and hopefully provide better knowledge of the possibilities within WorkPoint Express.
2. Accessing the Behaviour tab
Accessing the behaviour tab in WorkPoint Express settings can be done in the following way:

- In WorkPoint Express, click the three dots to open the menu.
- In the menu, click "Settings".
- In the WorkPoint Express settings, click the "Behaviour" tab.
This opens the behaviour tab:
The behaviour tab is separated into sections, denoted by thin gray boxes and section titles. An example is shown below:
- The "General" section displays settings that are general to WorkPoint Express.
3. Sections
The following article sections describe the options in the behaviour tab sections.
3.1. General
Automatically show sidebar when Outlook starts up
This option decides whether the WorkPoint Express sidebar should open when Microsoft Outlook starts up.
Automatically show sidebar in inspector windows
This opens WPE in windows such as emails - i.e. when you create a new mail, WPE sidebar opens in the mail window.
Show properties in separate window
This option decides whether element properties in WorkPoint Express should show up in a separate window. If this is ticked OFF, properties are shown in the bottom of WorkPoint Express.
Automatically show properties when an item is selected
This setting decides whether the properties of a selected item should automatically be shown once the item is selected. If this setting is ticked OFF, users must click the "Properties" button in order to open the Properties panel.
Show default view as starting point for document lists
If this option is ticked ON, the default view will be active when opening document lists. The default view can be set in the settings for the list. If this option is ticked OFF, a standard view will be active, showing all elements in the list with no filtering.
Show default view as starting point for mail lists
If this option is ticked ON, the default view will be active when opening mail lists. The default view can be set in the settings for the list. If this option is ticked OFF, a standard view will be active, showing all elements in the list with no filtering.
Open detail view in inspector windows
When opening WorkPoint Express in for example an email window, this setting determines how it opens. If it is unchecked, both entity and detail window in WorkPoint Express is open, if checked the entity detail window is hidden.
Show reverse paths
When adding a document list or folder as a favourite, this setting will display the path to the folder in reverse (e.g. Folder 3 - Folder 2 -Folder 1 - Documents)
Move dropped e-mails from Outlook as default
When you drag and drop an email to WPE, it will by default create a copy. If this checkbox is checked, it will be moved to WPE (hence deleted from your inbox).
Remove pending status after journalization as default
This setting applies to Email Manager
Document double click
This option decides what the behaviour is when a user double clicks a document in WorkPoint Express. This is a choice field with the following options:
- Open (read only)
- Open (edit)
- Ask (default read only)
- Ask (default edit)
Set properties when uploading to document list
This option decides what the default behaviour is for setting properties of items when uploading to document lists. This is a choice field with the following options:
- Always
- Never
- When the default content type has required fields
Set properties when uploading to e-mail list
This option decides what the default behaviour is for setting properties of items when uploading to e-mail lists. This is a choice field with the following options:
- Always
- Never
- When the default content type has required fields
Set metadata after upload to Email Manager
This option decides what the default behaviour is for setting metadata of items when uploading to Email Manager. This is a choice field with the following options:
- Always
- Never
Set timestamps after document upload (only WorkPoint Server)
By default SharePoint overwrites created date when a document is uploaded to SharePoint. This setting allows for setting created and modified properties on uploaded documents to preserve the original created date. More information here.
3.2. Language
Display language
This option selects the interface language of WorkPoint Express. Users can choose between:
- Default
- English
- Danish
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Icelandic
"Default" selects the Microsoft Office language in use.
3.3. E-mail journalization
Journalize e-mail after send
This setting opens a pop up after an email is sent. The floating pop up makes it easier to drag and drop the sent email to WPE. Alternatively you must find the email in your "sent items" folder to journalise it.
Extract attachments from e-mail after journalization
When "Journalize e-mail after send" is selected, you can also drag documents to the related document list via the pop-up window using this setting.
Set journalized flag
Tags emails in your inbox when they are journalised in WorkPoint.
3.4. Performance
SharePoint search tree fast loading
Determines the speed the content loads in WPE when connected to SharePoint.
WorkPoint search tree fast loading
as "SharePoint search tree fast loading", when connected to WorkPoint Server (on-premise).
WorkPoint 365 search tree fast loading
as "SharePoint search tree fast loading", when connected to WorkPoint365.
3.5. WorkPoint search tree
Use tab settings (only WorkPoint 365)
When selected this setting hides any lists on the site that are not present in the WorkPoint tab web part.
Use browser search (only WorkPoint 365) - Preview
This setting relates to using browser search for WorkPoint Express. You can read more about this feature in this article.
3.6. Send E-mail (requires WorkPoint)
These settings are related to sending e-mails from entities. You can read more about this feature in this article.
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