Click on any published known bug listed below to view a detailed description, including the issue's specifics, potential workarounds, and the planned version for its resolution.
Users are unable to remove or deselect values in a multi-select Managed Metadata field within the WorkPoint wizard. When multiple terms are selected, they cannot be removed from the input field.
A user selects "PNC" and "OFI" in the wizard but cannot remove these terms once selected.
Start at the end of the entered terms and use backspace to delete selections.
- Issue only occurs within WorkPoint Wizards.
- The issue does not affect WorkPoint Automate processes.
This issue will not be fixed in WorkPoint Wizards, as it works as intended in a WorkPoint Automate Process.
A process created in Process Builder using the trigger "When an item is published" fails to execute in certain scenarios where content changes occur without metadata modifications.
Reproduction Steps
- Check in a new major version.
- Save changes to the content of the file.
- Enable content approval in the library and approve a new version.
Expected Behavior
The process should trigger upon content changes even when metadata is unchanged.
Known bug, we be resolved in version 4.22 (ID43574)
We currently don't support synchronizing Search Settings during default site provisioning and it's not available as a selectable synchronization scope.
Expected Behavior
It should be possible to sync Search Settings from the Master Site
Known limitation, we will support this in version 4.23 (ID44879)
An issue has been identified where the command bar (toolbar) is missing from the default SharePoint Online Documents webpart in WorkPoint 365 on SharePoint pages. The issue does not affect all instances but appears to occur randomly across different solutions.
Expected Behavior
The command bar should be visible and functional within the Documents webpart in WorkPoint 365 when enabled.
Known bug.
Root Cause
The issue seems related to a SharePoint framework change as described here: GitHub Issue #10077.
Additional Notes
Microsoft has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix roll-out as per the GitHub discussion.
An issue has been identified where the 'When an item is published' trigger in Process Builder fails to execute the intended processes when content changes occur in a file, rather than metadata changes alone.
Expected Behavior
The process should trigger when a minor version is published after content changes.
Current Behavior
The process does not trigger under the conditions described above.
Root Cause
The event fails to register file content changes correctly when versioning settings are enabled.
Additional Notes
See SharePoint Online versioning settings for configuration details:
The expected event trigger behavior should be as demonstrated here:

None identified yet.
Known bug. Will be resolved in version 4.22. (ID44623)
When converting documents to PDF with large files, the process displays an error message. Despite the error, the conversion is completed successfully, but the process fails.
Planned Improvements
- A clearer error message will be implemented if a timeout occurs on the API due to file size.
- The process configuration guidelines will be updated to better inform users that such processes must be configured to run asynchronously.
Planned improvement for version 4.24. (ID42301)
When importing a solution, the process fails, and the following error appears in the WorkPoint administration event log:
- Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- Exception type: System.NullReferenceException
- Failed method: WorkPoint.Core.Helpers.InheritanceHelper+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<AddMissingInheritanceFields>b__0
Root Cause
The issue arises when a list used in the inheritance settings is stored with a different URL than the one created on the master site during the import. This can occur under the following conditions:
- A list or field used in inheritance settings has been renamed.
- The inheritance settings were not updated after the renaming.
- An export and subsequent import of the solution were performed without updating the inheritance settings to reflect the new list name or field name changes.
- Before exporting the solution, review all inheritance settings.
- Verify that the list and field titles in the inheritance settings correspond to the correct list and field names and URLs on the master site.
- Update the inheritance settings to reflect any recent changes to list names or URLs.
- Proceed with the export and import after confirming the settings are correct.
Known bug. Better handling of the exception will be addressed in version 4.24. (ID45885)
In WorkPoint Express, it is not possible to drag and drop selected documents to rearrange their order when using a WorkPoint Automate Process with a Multiple Items Properties Form that has the Enable Sorting option enabled:

Root Cause
This issue is specific to WorkPoint Express and affects the functionality of the Enable Sorting option in the Multiple Items Properties Form.
Execute the process from a web browser instead of WorkPoint Express. The sorting functionality works correctly in the browser.
Known bug. This issue is scheduled to be resolved in version 4.24 (ID45822)
When creating a Case (or equivalent entity, depending on the solution configuration), selecting a parent entity directly from the entity form (1) in the process will fail upon saving. However, selecting a parent entity from the panel on the right (2) works without issue:
Advise end users to use the panel on the right to select a parent entity as a workaround.
The issue has been logged, and a solution is under consideration and will be implemented in version 4.24 (ID45882)
When for example using a lookup field to associate a contact with a company from the Contacts list, the following issues are observed:
- Not all contacts from the Contacts list are displayed in the lookup field when accessed by clicking in the field:

In the search panel to the right, the same behavior occurs.

- The type-ahead functionality in the lookup field also does not function as intended, leading to difficulties in finding specific contacts:
No result when only typing part of the first name:

Result when typing the complete first name:

Expected Behavior
- The lookup field should display all contacts from the connected Contacts list.
- Typeahead should allow users to search and find specific contacts efficiently.
Use the search option on the right panel to search and select a specific contact.
This issue is scheduled to be resolved in version 4.23 (ID45011)
An unexpected error occurs when attempting to create a notification. The error message displayed is: "Nullable object must have a value." This issue arises during a simple process that is expected to send a notification.
Root Cause
In the notification settings, the following values are null:
- NotificationPriorityTermSetId
- NotificationTypeTermSetId
These values are required for proper operation.
Open the Site level term groups on the root site in classic mode to get the term set ID for "WorkPoint365 Notification Priority" and "WorkPoint365 Notification Type":
Before performing the steps below ensure a backup is made of the workpointsettings list and ensure version history is enabled on the workpointsettings list.
- Open /sites/lists/workpointsettings
- Copy the content of the value field to a suitable editor
- Locate and insert the term set ID's for NotificationPriorityTermSetId and NotificationTypeTermSetId that currently are null:

Now save the changes made to the WP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS value field.
Before the changes are implemented, you need to open WorkPoint Cache Management and clear the cache by selecting "Solution and Taxonomy" and then clicking the Clear button:
Known bug. The issue will be resolved in version 4.25 (ID45892)
Localized stage names are not applied. For example, in a Danish browser, the stage "Potential" is displayed in English instead of the localized Danish name "Potentiel."
Stage Translations:

Process Entity Form:
The standard change stage process displays translations as expected. This issue occurs specifically during entity creation in the Process Builder, where the configured localization's are ignored.
The issue is planned to be resolved in version 4.25 (ID46023)
When using a Search Form Process Step to search for entities and display a view containing a specific date, the date format does not match the format used in SharePoint.
The date format displayed in SharePoint entity list:
The date presented in the Search Form Process Step:
None identified yet.
Known bug. This issue will be resolved in version 4.25. (ID46132)
The finish section of a Process Builder Step has the following Redirect setting:

When executing the process and reaching the final step with a configured redirect, clicking the designated redirect link behaves as follows:

The built-in browser Popup and Redirect Blocker settings may prevent a new tab from opening. This is indicated by an icon in the browser's address bar:

The users can change the behavior in the browsers settings or the IT-department can configure a central browser policy to allow popup and redirects on the site
Known bug: A notification will be implemented to inform users when a new tab cannot be opened due to the browser's popup and redirect restrictions. This fix will be included in version 4.24 (ID45295).
When running a Master Site Sync, you may encounter the following exception in the WorkPoint Administration Event Log:
This error occurs when attempting to sync wiki site pages.
Delete the wiki pages from the master site before running the Master Site Sync.
Known bug. This issue will be resolved in version 4.24. (ID45695)
When configuring a search setting with the "Tenant-wide search" option enabled, the search results span the entire tenant:
The search results in the Express Panel now correctly reflect the settings with the "Tenant-wide search" option enabled:

However, the Search Form Step in a WorkPoint Automate process does not return the expected results:
None identified yet.
Known bug. This issue will be resolved in version 4.25. (ID46082)
When running a WorkPoint Automate process that includes document conversion to PDF, an error may occur when processing a large number of documents or handling large file sizes.
The following error message will be displayed:

The "Converts selected documents to PDFs" should be set to run async:

Known bug. Better error message if there is time out on the API due to the file size. User should be informed that they must run the process async.This issue will be resolved in version 4.24. (ID42301)
An issue occurs during buffer site and site creation when the Master Site contains a "Full Width" section. This prevents successful synchronization.
Error Details
In the WorkPoint 365 administration Event log, the following exception is observed during the Master Site Sync process: PnP.Core.ClientException at PnP.Core.Model.SharePoint.PageWebPart.ToHtml
Use a normal section with a text web part instead of a "Full Width" section.
Known bug, will be resolved in version 4.21 (ID43980)
An UI issue occurs in a WorkPoint Automate user process with the 'Multiple lines of text' column type with the enhanced rich text option in SharePoint Online (SPO). When different options are used in the editor, the dialogs remain open and do not close as expected.
Expected Behavior
Dialogs should close after selecting options in the enhanced rich text editor.
Known bug, under investigation. (ID44623)
When a user creates a document from a template through a Wizard, they receive the error message: "Document Provisioning failed".
However, the document is still created successfully.
Error Log Entry: WorkPoint administration event log:
Exception / OuterMessage
The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested, or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested.
Additional Behavior
The issue also occurs when using a WorkPoint Automate process. The error message displayed: "The document with the same name does not already exist.":
Affects some solutions.
Known bug. This issue will be resolved in version 4.21. (ID45237)
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